M15 and F23 have checked all the boxes over the past 32 days, caring for their precious packages. They continuously add soft grass and nesting to keep their treasures warm and secure. They spent hours incubating and tending to the Eggs. They keep the area free from all intruders of their air space and nest tree. The next several days will reveal the reward for all their efforts.
M15 and F23 may already sense the process has started. They will look at the Eggs and appear to be listening for any noises or movement. The chick scratches the inside of the egg to prepare for the initial hole (PIP) in the shell. Hatching takes a few days as the chick rests between working on the shell. The chick labors hard to break out into the world.
M15 and F23 appear restless as they taper off some incubating on warmer days. They dig in and aerate the nest bole to keep the nesting soft and comfy. M15 makes sure to add a stick or two for the crib rails. M15 will begin to bring food to the pantry for the Family’s nourishment. They will undoubtedly be proud and dedicated Eagle parents to their offspring. Excitement is building for feisty, fluffy, bobbling Eaglets in the nest soon. Nest Notes by dadsjazz.
Ground Video by Androcat
SWFL Eagles 11-26-24. M15’s Brood Patch after a Bath; F23 on the CSS; Kestrel w/prey; Hawk Hunt. https://youtu.be/KTJwJOPNwNU
SWFL Eagles 11-28-24. Foggy Thanksgiving Morning; Spectacular Close-ups of F23; Bonding! https://youtu.be/_ogwM_m4KLI
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
M&F Love Their Eggs~Incubation Exchanges & New Grasses On A Cool Crisp Morning 12.02.24 https://youtu.be/TeZGcM4FmZs
Video by Androcat (ground views and captures from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles 11-24-24. Intruder Lands on the Veranda; M15 Protects his Eggs &Warns the Intruder. https://youtu.be/PIJU6ocyT8M
SWFL Eagles 11-27-24. F23’s Long & Luxurious Evening Bath! M15’s Pond Visit; The Herd! https://youtu.be/AupKhKyckWs
SWFL Eagles 11-29-24. Morning Views of the Precious Eggs; Pond Visits for M15 & F23. π¦ ποΈπ¦ https://youtu.be/1dRxSorhfQU
SWFL Eagles 11-29-24. Night Moves: M15 Returns for Night Incubation; F23 Shuts Him Down on 2nd Try https://youtu.be/zKu2fLh1ERI
SWFL Eagles 12-1-24. M15 Delivers ABC Fish π ; F23 Takes it to Go, Explores the Pond after Eating! https://youtu.be/vUqFK4wehI8
SWFL Eagles 12-1-24. Bonding! M15’s Pond Visit; F23’s Late Break; Last Incubation Switch of the Day! https://youtu.be/dk7NRhYkVJo
SWFL Eagles 12-2-24. M15 CHASES/FLUSHES Immature Eagle Intruder; F23 Protects her Precious Eggs. https://youtu.be/k3TykBXEy4A
SWFL Eagles 12-2-24. F23’s Busy Day: Two Fish Gifts, a Pond Visit, and She Grasses M15! https://youtu.be/cZdhDLVHAmI
SWFL Eagles 12-4-24. F23 Catches a Fish in the Pasture Pond, Eats in the Oak; + Splish Splash Time! https://youtu.be/4VjtqMtTHVY
SWFEC 12-5-24. M15 Brings in the Lumber; Lands a Big Stick on F23, Steps on her Head! https://youtu.be/IadxpcqFr6Q
SWFL Eagles 12-6-24. Warrior Dad M15 Returns to the Nest Tree After Dark, Flushes Intruder. https://youtu.be/dcChQO79mE8
SWFL Eagles 12-7-24. Intruder Follows F23 to the Nest Tree, Circles, Leaves After Vocal Warnings. https://youtu.be/hWY2p2gbtUE
SWFL Eagles 12-7-24. The Greatest Dad of All Eats in the Office Oak, then Brings an ABC Fish for F23 https://youtu.be/5gg9WDDuPXY
SWFL Eagles 12-8-24. M15 Takes a Scrub-a-Dub-Dub Sunday Bath; + Checks Out His Reflectionπ! π¦ ποΈπ https://youtu.be/eVWuWKCIzJg
Video by Lady Hawk (captures from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ PERSISTENT SUB ADULT Lands On Veranda Spike! M15 Alerting! F23 In Pursuit π² 11.24.24 https://youtu.be/v6ydZhUXO3g
SWFL Eagles ~ A Beautiful Rainbow Over The Eggs π F23 Pond Visit, Anhinga & Shift Changes 11.25.24 https://youtu.be/D8n-4HEYyl0
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Puts A Stick On F23’s Back! She Flies Off & M15 Has Evening Egg Duty π 11.26.24 https://youtu.be/FbfcAlzcCl8
SWFL Eagles ~ F23 Takes The Most Invigorating & Lively Bath! Squeaky Clean! M15 Pond Visit 11.27.24 https://youtu.be/tDMIf5ECvqY
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Reporting For Egg Duty On A Foggy Thanksgiving Morning! Closeups Of F23 β₯ 11.28.24 https://youtu.be/wG-PO_w1H-A
SWFL Eagles ~ Halfway To Hatch! Day & Night Incubation Switcheroos! Taking Care of Eggs β₯ 11.29.24 https://youtu.be/Xl5AD1uHTEs
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings A Fish Gift For F23 π Bonding, Pond Visits & Incubation Shifts! π 12.1.24 https://youtu.be/gPudf3sR4Ew
SWFL Eagles ~ SUB ADULT INTRUDER ATTEMPTS TO LAND IN NEST TREE! M15 flushes Out! F23 Vocal π² 12.2.24 https://youtu.be/HPJq5EL99Fo
SWFL Eagles ~ F23 Grasses M15! 2 Fish Gifts! F23 Takes One π To Go & Returns For Other One! 12.2.24 https://youtu.be/PfwFpGpUWbE
SWFL Eagles ~ STUNNING M15 Footage Taking A Bath & Drying Wings! Brief Respite From Egg Duty 12.4.24 https://youtu.be/AC-zXv7trbA
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings In A Live Fish! F23 Claims & Takes Her Lunch To Office Oak To Eat! 12.5.24 https://youtu.be/OGmBjHCgPUQ
SWFL Eagles ~ INTRUDER LANDS IN NEST TREE! F23 On High Alert! π M15 Flushes Intruder Out! 12.6.24 https://youtu.be/oyDpJ76GKhQ
SWFL Eagles ~ CAM 2 MISHAP! F23 Bumps Wing On Cam2 Moving It Downward! M Nudges F23 Off Eggs 12.7.24 https://youtu.be/eA85Zq_dAMQ
SWFL Eagles ~ F23 Alerts & Chases Sub Adult Around West Pasture! Ground Photos & Cam! π² 12.7.24 https://youtu.be/Svp5N6zQ4qE
SWFL Eagles ~ Mighty M15 Brings A Fish Gift π F23 Squeals w/ Joy & Takes It To Go! Bonding β₯ 12.7.24 https://youtu.be/T51MQQ-QOPw