Harriet and M15 welcomed E20 on 12-28-2021. E20 entered the world in full view with eyes wide opened and ready to go. Dad came to the nest to see his sweet baby emerging as Mom fed E19. The very next morning, E19 and E20 greeted each other with a few bops back and forth as the tussling began. They are, after all, young raptors, programmed to be assertive. They each hold their own as they engage in their antics. They learn quickly and observe all that goes on in their surroundings. They are all adjusting wonderfully to Eagle life as a family of four.
Harriet and M15 began the New Year protecting E19 and E20 with the celebrations and fireworks going off all around. They continually adapt to their environment with the welfare of their young and territory as their priority. The stealthy Owls who nest in the West pasture keep Harriet and M15 aware and make sure they keep their distance. The night hours are the most difficult when the Owls use the darkness to buzz M15 standing guard over his precious family. In their world, the Owls are keeping their family safe from Harriet and M15.
Mom and Dad are in tune with each other, sharing all responsibilities to care for their family. Harriet and M15 delivered food various food items to the nest. E19 and E20 established their pecking order to get to the meals first. They learn survival skills early on by knowing when to fight or submit. E20 usually lays low, then receives a fair share of the feedings after E19 is full. This lesson is the beginning of their Eagle education and will serve them well as they progress, thrive, and live their best Eagle lives. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Weekly Video Highlights
E20 Hatch Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ Welcome To The World E20 💕😊💕 OFFICIAL HATCH! 12.28.21 https://youtu.be/0LiOw99jEO8
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
New Hatches E19 & E20 Bring Sereneness To A Foggy Pasture~H & M Stay Close 12-30-21 https://youtu.be/pYJBKLBWvD4
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ E19 Cuteness With Mom! 💕 Pip Seen In Egg #2 – E20 Is On Its Way To Hatching 🐣 12.27.21 https://youtu.be/vMuX6k89vhU
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Feeds E19! 💕 E19 Gets Feathers Stuck On Its Little Beak & Face! 12.27.21 https://youtu.be/5YZtsUoPx9g
SWFL Eagles ~ Owl Strikes M15 On E19’s Hatch Day! Knocks Off Attic – H & M On High Alert 12.27.21 https://youtu.be/ZvPyLP4YVos
SWFL Eagles ~ AMAZING FIRST DUAL FEEDING Attempt For E19 by Harriet & M15! XOXO 💕💕 12.27.21 https://youtu.be/Yo0XOUxcO4E
SWFL Eagles ~ AMAZING CLOSEUPS Of E20 Hatching! Egg Tooth Seen Inside Shell! 💕💕 12.28.21 https://youtu.be/MvjI0R5Kcw0
SWFL Eagles ~ Adorable E19 & Daddy Time! Hey Dad – Over Here! Feed Me Please!! 💕😊 12.28.21 https://youtu.be/3AmTfAmAnsI
SWFL Eagles ~ E20’s First Feeding! Let The Bonking Begin E20 Initiates! M Removes Eggshell 12.29.21 https://youtu.be/Gb3Cmc_ytPI
SWFL Eagles ~ Owl Strike On M15! Knocks Him Off Attic! Harriet & M Give Chase! SLOMO! 12.29.21 https://youtu.be/dfq5n1_kWwQ
SWFL Eagles ~ Introducing E19 & E20 ~ The Bonking Bobbleheads!! 😊😉 12.29.21 https://youtu.be/zGfbY_PWiEA
SWFL Eagles ~ Good Feeding For Both E’s! ♥ E20 Bonks E19 & Takes Over Feeding! 😊 12.29.21 https://youtu.be/ypeLizQwbBw
SWFL Eagles ~ The Cutest Thing Ever! Tiny Pink Talons Next To Mom 💕 Tugging On Her Feathers 12.29.21 https://youtu.be/YrRyIfLuMFU
SWFL Eagles ~ ROCK ‘EM SOCK ‘EM Eaglets! E19 & E20 Two Rounds Of Rumbling! 😊 12.30.21 https://youtu.be/QdCLNp-tskw
SWFL Eagles ~ Dad Gives Both E’s A Good Feeding Before Bed! Full Crops On Both! 💕💕 12.30.21 https://youtu.be/vezJvEwqp3s
SWFL Eagles ~ E20 Climbs Out Of The Nest Bowl At 3 Day Old! 😊 12.31.21 https://youtu.be/INYIoHqr8jQ
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings A Headless Fish For New Years Eve! E20 Out Of Bowl! GREAT Feeding! 12.31.21 https://youtu.be/qB1pkJiOysA
SWFL Eagles ~ Sleeping Beauties! Harriet Delivers A Fish! M Feeds The E’s – Full Crops! ♥ 12.31.21 https://youtu.be/QU0HCH3KSzM
SWFL Eagles ~ Beautiful ♥ DUAL ♥ Feeding For E19 & E20! Harriet & M15 Ring In The New Year! 1.1.2022 https://youtu.be/6FWSmLlsw1g
SWFL Eagles ~ Squirrel For Breakfast! Harriet Pulls Food From E20’s Beak! E19 Bonks Mom! 1.2.22 https://youtu.be/wdoy_rmWrUY
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Brings In RK Opossum & Feeds The E’s! M15 Gives Good Feeding To E20 1.2.22 https://youtu.be/ciLrUwjZaqs
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Gives E20 A PRIVATE FEEDING! 😊 What a GREAT Dad! Also Puts Grass On Kids! 1.2.22 https://youtu.be/20rKhzhHnz8