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A Visitor Watching- Nest Activity & Videos for Dec 22

Harriet patiently and unselfishly tends to her precious eggs as the hatch time for the first egg laid is approaching. She has been on nest duty since late afternoon yesterday. Ozzie is standing by to support Harriet but she keeps to tending. Their devotion to each other and to their young is amazing. Harriet and Ozzie shared a few brief visits on the upper branches of the nest tree. Harriet had time to stretch and took a few short flights for exercise. All the while the nest was under the watchful eyes of both Ozzie and Harriet.

In the afternoon, as Harriet lay incubating, a sub adult eagle arrived on the branch above the nest. Maybe it was just a curious onlooker. Neither Ozzie nor Harriet chased the young eagle away as it quietly watched Harriet tending to her eggs. This is an amazing time to be privileged to watch the unfolding story of Ozzie and Harriet.

Summary by dadsjazz

Harriet going to meet Ozzie (dadsjazz)
Click on image to download

Sub adult visitor (dragonlainey)
Click on image to download

Video by dragonlainey

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