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Growing Strong Bonds- Nest Notes, Photos & Video for Feb 9

The first meal of the day was delivered with white feathers. Harriet began the de-feathering process and it looked as if snow was flying in the nest. E4 joined in grabbing at feathers too. The afternoon was quiet and E4 took many long naps in the favorite spot near the edge of the nest. Mom offered E4 some needed shade from the hot afternoon sun.

Ozzie arrived in the late afternoon with a fish and was greeted by eager E4 who stood though most of the feeding. E4 is growing stronger and stronger each day. E4 had many stories to tell Mom and Dad who seemed to listen intently to the sweet vocals.The time Mom and Dad spend with E4 appear to be special and tender moments.Ozzie and Harriet also shared a moment in the early evening reinforcing their bond to each other.

Summary by dadsjazz

Breakfast with white feathers (dadsjazz)
Click on image to download

Mom provides shade (dadsjazz)
Click on image to download

E4 stands up for Dad’s feeding (dadsjazz)
Click on image to download

Video by Dee Kelly

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