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Weathering the Storm- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Feb 13

Strong thunderstorms with high winds swept through the area last evening. Harriet was at the nest to give shelter to E4 while the storm raged on. The cameras were affected but there were glimpses throughout the day from a few camera views and reports from watchful ground observers. 

What is known is that Ozzie, Harriet and E4 weathered the storm and went on with their daily activities. It appeared that Ozzie and Harriet brought fresh fish to feed E4 and did some tidying up of the nest. E4 is still working on “wingersizing” and observing the world below. The nest looked as if the storm blew some things away and brought new things like fresh pine in. Ozzie and Harriet took sweeping flights around their nest territory and to and from the direction of the river where they fish.They spent time in the nest tree watching over E4 and also in their favorite perch trees in the pasture. All was well for the Eagle family.The beautiful full moon light shined on Mom and E4 as they snuggled in the nest for the cooler evening ahead,

Summary by dadsjazz

Mom shelters E4 in the storm last night (urdognu)
Click on image to download

Harriet feeds E4 (Greg Hill)
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Mom checks on E4 tonight (dadsjazz)
Click on image to download

Video by Urdognu

Video by Dee Kelly

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