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Brand Management- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 15

The morning was warm and clear when E4 began wing flapping and searching through the nest for any leftovers. Ozzie and Harriet were spotted in the west pasture tree line early in the morning. The nest is never far from one or the other’s sight. E4 practiced grasping and balancing on the large branch Harriet dropped off in the nest yesterday. Ozzie landed with a small food offering, E4 mantled and Ozzie quickly flew off the nest. E4 tried to move the large stick out of the way and then perched on the crib rails on the side of the nest. E4 jumped up to good height several times when the breezes picked up.

No more food was brought to the nest but E4 mantled Harriet’s talons on one of her visits. Mom and Dad perched in one of the dead pond trees then flew off in opposite directions. There were visits from a juvenile eagle and an osprey in the nest area and Ozzie and Harriet were on alert. Ozzie joined Harriet in the tree behind the church later in the evening. Ozzie returned to the cam 2 tree. Mom paid a visit to E4 after dark to check in and E4 “squeed” for food. Only one small meal was offered today. 

Summary by dadsjazz

E4 balances on the large branch Mom brought yesterday. (Mia)
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E4 jumped higher in the nest. (Mia)
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E4 moves the pesky branch after Mom’s late night visit. (video/urdognu)
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Video by urdognu
Food Begging When Mom Checks In At Bed Time_3-15-14

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