It has been a very active week 6 for E6, Harriet and Ozzie. Harriet was in a green mood as she added several branches of fresh pine needles and pinecones to the nest. E6 found a lot of self entertainment picking up and moving sticks and pinecone tossing. E6’s inquisitive gestures and ever changing features are comical at times.
Fish were the catches of the week and many were devoured by E6. One such still flopping fish was eager to leave the nest and soared overboard. Ozzie retrieved it and fed his prize to E6. The Family dined together most evenings enjoying the well stocked pantry. E6 is in the second period of development and is at the head of the class, flapping, walking upright, grabbing and holding for a successful tear with those adult sized feet. Being excellent parents, Ozzie and Harriet, may see E6 “jump” early to the third phase of development.
Harriet and Ozzie’s reputation as teachers and models have evidently been heard about as juveniles have visited this week to see if they can get any good tips on survival. Ozzie was in full protect mode as a juvenile Eagle landed in the nest tree and stayed for a while. E6 peeked up at the visitor but calmly drifted back to sleep under Dad’s guard. Harriet was on the fast approach to the nest with a fish when the intruder seemed to take off to follow her. Ozzie bounded to defend as they succeeded in driving away the juvenile Eagle and keeping their territory safe for their precious E6. Harriet and Ozzie look to be in great physical condition and shared some tender moments. We are well tuned in for the coming weeks of learning and surviving for this beloved Eagle Family.
Summary by dadsjazz

E6 the Great Observer (Wskrsnwings)

E6 Getting Big (UrdognU)
Video by Urdognu
- Eating & Growing, Tug-O-Live One
- Grab On The Fly, How To Duck, & More Highlights
- Battle Of The Stick & More Highlights
- Growin, Grabbin, Holdin, Pullin
- Break’fish’, Pine Bough On The Fly (slow motion)
- Birds & Bee’s Demo For E6
- Pine Cone Toss, Blankie Tuck In
- Pine Cone Play, Head Tuck, To River & Back With Fish
- More Food, Feedings, Fly Ins & Outs
- Afternoon/Evening Highlights
- Stormin, Shieldin, Mini Zippin, Feather Pickin Kind Of Mornin
- Flopping Fish Overboard
- Keep Away…It’s MINE, Ooopsie Double PS, Wind In Wings
- Self Feeding Attempt…Fish Or Ant, Fish Pillow, Tuck In
- Intruder, Ozzie Mantles & Defends
- Love Is In The Air
- Wing Steppin, Whistle-Peepin, First Time Self Feedin
Ground video by wskrsnwings
- E6 Shows Off Wings, Walk & Watchfulness
- The Art Of Flight ~ Ozzie & Harriet Style
- The Morning Remains Busy_Harriet Watchful Of Family & Fish Delivery
- Adult Comings & Goings ~ More E6 Cuteness