E6 has made great strides learning skills on the journey to become a majestic Eagle one day. E6 is approaching 8 weeks of age and another phase of growth begins. Harriet and Ozzie have become a finely tuned delivery system to assure E6’s food demands are met. Mom and Dad have introduced E6 to a wide variety of meals that included different types of fish, furry and feathered prey. E6 is developing a keen Eagle eye greeting the deliveries with excitement and watching the preparations of the meals. E6 has attempted to self feed and has had success tearing off small bits and finding morsels to snack on. E6 is becoming more confident and aggressive at feeding time lunging and grabbing the food offerings sometimes getting a hold of Mom or Dad’s talon in the process. E6 managed to steal one delivery and performed the first mantle, which is to extend growing wings over the prey to keep for self feeding. Harriet and Ozzie have tremendous patience and seem to have a sense of pride that their E6 is learning these valuable lessons.
Nest building is an important part of the process and E6 has been moving sticks and other objects around. E6 is a great observer as Mom and Dad continue to add nest material. E6 is gaining strength by exercising wing flapping, taking short hops and standing tall. Larger and darker feathers are emerging and E6’s wings, feet and beak appear almost adult size. E6’s balance improves day by day and the nest edge has been a favorite place to practice causing gasps from nest watchers.
Harriet and Ozzie are nurturing and dedicated Eagle parents and their commitment is resulting in E6 becoming a tall, dark and handsomely beautiful eaglet. Summary by dadsjazz
Video by Urdognu
- A Day In The Life Of Adorable E6 Weeks http://youtu.be/zMHn1p1JD4k
- Rabbit On The Menu, E6 Self Nibbles http://youtu.be/vwpeuzEoMm0
- More Than You Can Swallow & Aggressively Beaky http://youtu.be/iod3dF8HXlw
- It’s Mine…All Mine – But Will You Help Me Eat It? http://youtu.be/j8wGpegDFQY
- Full Circle: Bring, Take, Drop, Retrieve & Return http://youtu.be/_AL39fFufoc
- Wet, Rainy Day & Lots To Eat http://youtu.be/grpfXhIJtGM
- First Hop and Flap, Grabbing Practice http://youtu.be/7SwRRUKy3RI
- Beakful, Self Feedin, Feathers In The Wind, Water Fowl http://youtu.be/8l-c7P3ek8A
- The Water Fowl: Delivery, De-feather, Dinner For Three (slo mo clips) http://youtu.be/VN_Noiu7iso
- Steal, Tug & Eat…Learning To Be An Eagle http://youtu.be/sZmuhondi_A
- Wingin’ It On The Edge (both cam views) http://youtu.be/0x2AUOUKLwQ
- E6’s Nictitating Membrane, Early DinDin & Nightly Ritual http://youtu.be/08IiAyzScPw
- First Grab & MANTLE, Bonding, Gorgeous Ins & Outs http://youtu.be/F4iI5_mm47U
- Wingersizing, Mini-Tramp Delivery, Tug-let http://youtu.be/QYqjfFVAnC8
- It’s Alive: E6 Tries To Down A Live Fish http://youtu.be/GcPu1MT7aKA
- Beak, Talons & Wings http://youtu.be/0buURlpMSX4
- Talon Nips, Mom & E6 Beakisses, Action Packed http://youtu.be/olZ2eTxm3-o
- Double Face-Plant Wingers, Air-Plant Dancin & More http://youtu.be/gVyfmlCZ0gg
- Double Fish & HUGE Bird Deliveries, Eating During PS, Balloon Crop http://youtu.be/J1UnFlooJP0
- Don’t Bite The Talon That Feeds You ~ 2-16-2015 http://youtu.be/l6rrL42ZGFg
Ground video by wskrsnwings
- Carrion In & Carrion Out ~ Harriet’s Turn http://youtu.be/ehad8tJm8ho
- Ozzie & Harriet Go Soaring Together http://youtu.be/9JF7KZuQZqc
- Time With Dad ~ Ozzie & E6 http://youtu.be/_xplFMFelIM
- Time With Mom ~ Harriet & E6 http://youtu.be/H_ZidPQt1_s
Video by scyllabub
- Harriet ‘bites off’ more than she can swallow http://youtu.be/zl0ly32EBmE
E6 greets Dad’s delivery with excitement. (wskrsnwings)

(E6 Size) UrdognU