E6 took full advantage of the windy and cooler weather conditions last week. The gusting breezes encouraged E6 to outstretch beautifully growing wings to flap, flap, flap and fly hop around the nest. E6’s wingspan is nearly reaching the edges of the nest which is about 6 feet across. E6 even managed to gain a bit of lift off in the cool wind. These activities will build strength in wing and leg muscles for the next stage of development. During E6’s “wingersize” sessions there’s not much room for Mom or Dad in the nest. Most days E6 has the command of the nest area to use as a launching pad and rest area. E6 is gaining balance, walking and standing upright as tail feathers and wing feathers continue to grow and fill in.

(Photo by Mary F)
Harriet and Ozzie were busy keeping up with their duties of assuring that E6 was well fed and protected from several curious visitors who buzzed by their territory. Harriet continued to decorate the nest with her favorite pine boughs. E6 practiced with shiny emerging talons to make eaglet play out of pinecones, branches and bones from leftovers. E6 has been exploring and digging around the nest finding tidbits of food. E6 aggressively rushes to meal deliveries and has latched on to a talon or two of Mom and Dad. E6 is perfecting self feeding skills but many times has grabbed the delivery and gulped it down whole. It almost seems like Ozzie is starting the “food drop and go” system for his own foot protection.

(Photo: Anja Edelman)
Most evenings the Family is together in the nest tree. Harriet and Ozzie continue to strengthen their bond with special moments. They watch over their precious E6 with commitment and dedication. E6’s growth and survival is the fruit of their labors.
Summary by dadsjazz
Ground video by wskrsnwings
- The Perfect Breeze For The Perfect Eaglet http://youtu.be/tfMCEuNlEOw
- Adults Soar & Secure The Area As E6 Snoozes http://youtu.be/fMZRZdj2LqA
Video by Urdognu
- So Big, Bold & Beautiful http://youtu.be/AEUmFVsjN24
- PM Highlights http://youtu.be/Wr09qBRmeNY
- Bring, Take, Return; Wings & Wind; Mom Annoys E6 http://youtu.be/-0AIijllBM0
- Spoiled But Not Rotten, Strong Wingers, Live Fish http://youtu.be/Xg_BN73HkCQ
- Bedtime Exercises & Feather Nips http://youtu.be/Sf7EKe4plyc
- Foot Target, Grab & Mantle, Casting Pellet, Stealing Lesson http://youtu.be/ufZ2_1OOxHY
- Mastering The Skill Of Grab and Mantle – Food NOT Foot http://youtu.be/pNzUMbx9rmM
- Step Hop & Flap Flap Flap; Fresh Fish http://youtu.be/o1KaC8D1Oac
- Bone To Pick, Steak Tartare, Feather Nippinhttp://youtu.be/BLclv1qkveg
- I Wanna Fly & It’s Stuckhttp://youtu.be/-maGi_JTg4Q
- Squirrel: Grab, Rip, Tug, Huge Gulp; Mom Excessively Preens E6 http://youtu.be/ryMDPEkeegI
- Talon Grab & Step Dance; Fish Gulp; All Day Wingers http://youtu.be/MPafDFQg9EQ
- Jumping Jacks http://youtu.be/TKGqNFS92f0
- Close Up Of E6 Casting A Pellet
- http://youtu.be/9y5GnRXem_c
- I Can’t Believe I Ate The Whole Thing http://youtu.be/XoXGPw8wFWM
- PM Video Highlights http://youtu.be/e2h2raxJSMo
Video extra by Urdognu
- E6: My Baby Book (up to 54 days) http://youtu.be/pISPOzR4ATY