E6 has shown amazing spirit and enthusiasm practicing the many lessons and skills that will be needed to thrive. Harriet and Ozzie’s abilities as Eagle parents are evident in E6’s development. Dad has proven his prowess in hunting and fishing to supply nourishment for E6’s growth and strength. Mom nurtures E6 in a patient but firm manner as she feeds, preens and seems to lead by example.

(Photo David Hintz)
The stronger winds of the week prompted E6 to outstretch beautiful wings, feel the lift of the breezes and fly hop to higher heights while sweeping across the nest. E6 gained coordination and fearlessness peering out of the nest tracking all the activity including Mom and Dad’s inbound and outbound flights.
Harriet and Ozzie continued their guidance of E6 introducing many different types of prey, some very fresh and others not recognizable. They both brought branches and sticks and E6 had many places to put them around the nest. E6 used better beak and talon strength to carry prey around the nest and self feed.
E6’s senses of curiosity and discovery have led to a new milestone in eaglet life. As strength and courage abounded, E6 took the giant step up on to the branch called the “veranda” and briefly left the confines of the nest. Seeming to celebrate E6’s accomplishment, Dad presented a flopping fish and a furry critter. Mom also joined in the festivities. As another day came to an end, another adventure awaits in the continuing saga of Harriet, Ozzie and E6. Summary by dadsjazz

(Photo by Dee Kelly)
Videos by Urdognu
- First BRANCH For E6 At 9.22AM http://youtu.be/S1AhFRXtlrs
- Rewards For Branching: Flapping Fish & Furry Turf http://youtu.be/xn9zQHh9nw0
- Dances With Wings; Bite Dad’s Talon http://youtu.be/hnniyEgTM3c
- Preen Scheme; Watch Out; My Fish http://youtu.be/LyIRCH1WXHo
- E6 – Battle Of The Antler Stick; Defense Mode http://youtu.be/2Xh6tQuA-S8
- Grasp Practice; Pellet Cast; Surf & Preen; Tug-O-Turf http://youtu.be/fTgqgeMo0qM
- Launch To The Rails, Antler Stick Buddy http://youtu.be/UVGaNUUQhoo
- Preen & Zip Up Close; Stronger, Higher Wingers; My Fish http://youtu.be/U76EM8U6mrM
- Who’s Afraid Of The Big Bad Fish; Selfies; Prey Prancing http://youtu.be/nGNxN47Rrpg
- Sunset Flapping ~ 3-4-2015 http://youtu.be/UiIALQxDbtY
- One Foot Stand; Mammal & Fish; Wings, Stick & Nip http://youtu.be/MY41uWov84k
- Proud Parents http://youtu.be/d4iky0hUOgM
- So Close To Branch; Tug-O-Squirrel; Pelt Gulp Down http://youtu.be/yBHSZXVIOZs
- Dances With Prey; Selfies; Food Fest; Gulp & Pull Lessons http://youtu.be/ltDEFMhVh8o
- Intruder Fly By; Sticky Kinda Morning, Almost Out Of Sight http://youtu.be/x-MQqJGua8Q
- Talons & Wings & Beak Oh My! http://youtu.be/QPRujLOm2Xk
- Family Time & Serious Wing Flapping http://youtu.be/0-ILtXCEIUs
Ground video by wskrsnwings.
- Shaking Off The AM Mist With Bonding & Wingersizin http://youtu.be/4hKgtLEkluk
- Adults In/Out Of Nest 4 Times In 30 Minutes~Whew! http://youtu.be/mvz_Ev48K7U
- Show & Tell~Preen/Zip/Winger/Branch/Eat http://youtu.be/UvMz2_k8bNg
- Food Again “YUM”, Nest Decor And Of Course, Wngershttp://youtu.be/ukFffAjf7n8
- Evening Tete-A-Tete~“New” Step-Up Stick~Winger Hopshttp://youtu.be/t0kI7y-n92k

Photo: Anja Edelman