Harriet has experienced her life being turned upside down several times over the last few years. These events happen in the blink of an eye. She experienced the loss of 2 Eaglets, E3 and E5, overcame her own balance problems and endured the eventual loss of her mate Ozzie. Harriet has exhibited her resilience and strength in adapting to her ever changing world.

(Harriet- Photo Capture by Kim Peck)
Harriet was left to raise her Eaglet E6 alone when her mate Ozzie was found injured and gone for months. Observers of the Eagle Family knew that Ozzie was recuperating at CROW clinic for wildlife, but Harriet may have only known that Ozzie was gone. As she lamented Ozzie’s disappearance, many Eagles appeared to possibly vie for her attention and territory. One such standout was a young male Eagle who arrived with determination and fended off the other Eagles arriving in quick succession. He seemed inexperienced in some ways and was not well liked by either E6 or Harriett. He helped E6 learn the valuable lessons of how to protect the nest, the territory and food. When E6 embarked on the journey of discovering Eagle life, the young male suitor became Harriet’s constant companion. In time Harriet developed a tolerance and fondness for the young male.
Harriet seemed to be moving on with a new mate and following her instincts to propagate her species. When Ozzie was released from his stay at the wildlife clinic many wanted to see a fairytale ending with him and Harriet reuniting. The reality is that Ozzie took off away from the territory and was not seen for another 3 months. It had been said that Ozzie was a wise old Eagle and he would know what his limitations were. We as observers will never know the reasons why he left or where he went. He may have been close and hiding in plain sight.
Three months after his release back to the wild, Ozzie returned to the nest with great force. He assumed his protective role and drove the young male from the territory. Fierce battles for control between the two ensued after which Ozzie disappeared seeming to be injured. In a whirlwind of events the young male also disappeared a few days later. Ozzie was found injured once more and taken to Crow. Hope abounded and none were prepared to accept that Ozzie would not survive his fight to regain all he had lost. No one wanted to think that the young male lost his life in the battle, too.
Life progresses in the wild. Harriet was again left alone to deal with the loss of her potential mates and same scenario of other eagles entering into her territory. This time an even younger male Eagle stood out as the better defender. There were other Eagles lurking quietly around the territory at the same time. New day, new Eagle, new lesson seemed to be Harriet’s path. As nesting season began, Harriet was left without a clear choice of mates. The new younger male appeared much more inexperienced than the last. The new Sub Adult male seemed eager to learn the way of the Eagles but was not connecting with the bonding rituals. Will Harriet have time to retrain another potential mate?

(Sub-Adult- Photo by Melissa Hughes)
Harriet’s dilemma became even more complicated when the first young companion returned one evening as stealthily as he disappeared. Harriet and the first companion now known as M15 have spent the past few days getting reacquainted. They seem comfortable with their arrangement. It is not known where the second Sub Adult has gone. He may not have been quite ready to settle down to family life or he may be off on a new adventure.
As the story of Harriet and her quest to further her species with a new mate continue we will learn many valuable lessons. We are learning to trust the Eagles in their struggle to survive. The twists and turns of their lives and their ability to rise up from the brink of disaster have afforded them their rightful respect and majesty. In memory of Ozzie.
Notes by dadsjazz

(Harriet & M15- Photo capture by Lyn Levin)
Ground video by wskrsnwings
- Harriet Announces The Start Of Season 4 https://youtu.be/xMD4n7ZDzKU
- Harriet Is Seen But Not At The Nest + Another Rocket Launch https://youtu.be/5ZWKOaXSh7g
- Is Harriet Out Chasing Rainbows? https://youtu.be/U-7ZWXHLu3s
- Rain Doesn’t Dampen Activities Of Harriet & Beau https://youtu.be/mG-sQMOOCss
- Mutual Vocalizations~But The Male Leaves Early https://youtu.be/FANmAdRWPkk
- Vocal And Beautiful~Harriet Casts Pellet & Gets The Work Done https://youtu.be/6OT1QqOnYCk
- Fly Over & Short Visit To The Nest https://youtu.be/j2CQxC-hpCw
- M15 Is Back~Took Us All By Happy Surprise https://youtu.be/_E6wQ2getn0
- Courting Eagle Style At The Nest Tree https://youtu.be/cXaiVZ7NWzQ
- The Courtship Continues~Just Enough Room For Two https://youtu.be/NcB9C0bZOoo
- Getting To Know You~Bonding By Talking-Perching-Nest Work https://youtu.be/smWi3Jt4_9Q
- Early Morning Bonding https://youtu.be/EHBhhW-wYEg
Video by Birdbrain 56
- Visit From a Juvenile https://youtu.be/Ih2gsrtaaOU
- Holding Down the Poles https://youtu.be/240z61cjh6E
- Announcing Their Arrival https://youtu.be/Rus6JKJ13sI
- Hello Handsome https://youtu.be/R6jfryUN1Yk
- Lovely Harriet https://youtu.be/l7OtF9Zutsk
- Harriet Sitting in the Morning Sun https://youtu.be/fXkPQCBLQK0
- SWFL Eagles ~ Together Again – Part 1 ~ https://youtu.be/mRHLZ3vCwI4
- SWFL Eagles ~ Together Again – Part 2 ~ https://youtu.be/rPlw1pWUMR0
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Returns https://youtu.be/Txk0ntrXh24
Video by Lawlin72
- Did M15 Return to Harriet on the Eve of Oct 7, 2015? ~ https://youtu.be/D0HFSovUd6Y
Video by Knarley123
- Bonding On The Nest https://youtu.be/eyg0mCCM6rg
Video by scyllabub
- First phase of disturbance in tree NOISE REMOVAL EFFORT https://youtu.be/EAsrsDG5XJE