Eagle life has changed in the pasture as the cycle continues in a new direction. Harriet has overcome many obstacles in her path with stellar courage. Since the tragic loss of Ozzie who was her mate for many years, Harriet has grown closer to M15 the young Eagle who has been courting her over the last several months. Harriet knows that her mate must be dedicated to care for her and any future eaglets. Since this may be M15’s first time as a mate and father there are still things to learn. M15 continues to be a quick study with well seasoned Harriet taking the lead. Harriet seems to have been patiently waiting to see the development of the inherent skills of M15 to emerge. Harriet encourages M15 every step of the way. Harriet’s “footing” love tap gives M15 the cue for mating at which he is getting better.

When M15 arrived on the scene he had the fierceness and energy needed to defend the territory driving away other Eagles. He is developing better nest building skills. He lost the few mottled feathers left as he transitions from his youthful days. M15 displays his bright white head and mostly white tail feathers as he crosses the threshold to gaining Harriet’s trust as a mate and possible father to their offspring. M15 has matured before our eyes.

There are milestones in a young Eagle’s life. M15’s biggest accomplishment is that he stole a fish from a great blue heron and, instead of eating the entire fish himself, delivered the headless fish to the nest. He guarded the fish and looked around as he called for Harriet. He seemed very proud to bring food for Harriet and she voiced her approval as she eagerly arrived for her gift. This is a great example that M15 knows it is his duty to deliver prey to the nest.
There are still more necessary skills for a first time Eagle Dad to have. M15 is excelling in his ability to execute the lessons he has learned along his journey. The growing bond between Harriet and M15 appears to be an investment in the ways of Eagle life and the continuation of their species.
Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- A Lot To Talk About~Bonding/Mating Success https://youtu.be/uM69Dot3oas
- M15 Joins Harriet~Rainy AM~“Slip-Slide” Mating https://youtu.be/2f2dBP7Ocfw
- The Sky Is Full~Eagles~Moon~Rain~Rainbows https://youtu.be/TK1kIeBZyNc
- A Sense Of Peace~Birds Gather~R.I.P. Ozzie~ https://youtu.be/499eNNssnZU
- First Fish Gift For Harriet~M15 Grabs Fish~Takes To Nest https://youtu.be/6qpL0Sveq3U
- Quick Nest Check Then Out For Breakfast https://youtu.be/BGpT1wRpx58
- Precious Early AM Bonding: Vocals~Mating~Nest Work~Branch Gift https://youtu.be/ynCfxPgs9zw
- Territory Conversations~A Stick Apiece~2nd Mating https://youtu.be/5N8DGiklJXg
Video by scyllabub
- M15 brought fish to nest for Harriet, did they mate https://youtu.be/XND-Q8mOBCE
- One, then the other, descends to nest, one returns to branch https://youtu.be/dZOh4rq5g6U
- Harriet on the branch 1144-1154hr, calls, has a preen, leaves – SW Florida Bald Eagles https://youtu.be/qfLiELrRmJM
- An Eagle Flies Around and Off https://youtu.be/qom649-TJCY
Video by Birdbrain56
- The Clean-up Crew https://youtu.be/lfldzV0WtA4
- You Gonna Share That or Not? https://youtu.be/fiCcBhWeD9w
- SWFL Eagles ~ Rainy Wednesday Morning ~ 10/28/15 https://youtu.be/c0O75COMz48
- SWFL Eagles ~ A Little Bonding Before Bed ~ 10/28/15 https://youtu.be/Lp-Ej1wljnA
- SWFL Eagles ~ A Very Quiet Thursday Morning ~ 10/29/15 https://youtu.be/3efr0rmR3_c
- SWFL Eagles ~ Two’s Company, Three’s a Crowd ~ 10/30/15 https://youtu.be/1PZ5rI_R9K8
- Nestorations & Bonding https://youtu.be/WEnM8qpA714
- SWFL Eagles ~ Afternoon & Evening Hilites https://youtu.be/eyBxLgO3sOs
Video by LawLin72
- Mating ~ Morning of Oct 27, 2015 https://youtu.be/ud9-YdFDK8o
- An Alarm Sends Them Off https://youtu.be/_qbH77S6L74
- Crows Signal Harriet’s Arrival, Oct. 28, 2015 ~ SWFLEC https://youtu.be/oD5_hWe_U2E
- Evening Brings M15 and Harriet to the Nest https://youtu.be/Vwm2Hy3eiqw