Harriet and M15 are following nature’s calling by continuing to build their bond and rebuild the nest to welcome a new generation of eaglets. Harriet instincts are solid as she surveys the nest each morning and takes flight to a nearby tree to find just the right branch. Harriet prefers to break branches and sticks from trees and M15 seems to have a stash of soft grasses and sticks in the pasture that he picks from to deliver to the nest. M15 has watched Harriet grab a branch and break it off the tree in flight and has tried it on his own. M15 continues to improve on his skills in “nestorations.”

Eagle life follows a natural progression toward preservation of their species. Harriet and M15’s life together is moving in a positive direction. They become closer as they perch together over night, fly off one after the other to begin the day’s activities and spend time together working on the nest. M15 has been a great defender since his arrival. Harriet and M15 are on high alert as the territory has been visited by several juvenile and immature Eagles. One of the young Eagles perched in the nest tree with Harriet for a moment much to her disliking. As egg laying time approaches they will be less tolerant of any visitors.
M15 is devoted to Harriet and the territory. Harriet is accepting of his contributions and seems to voice her approval. M15 has presented food for Harriet in the nest proving that he will provide for her and their soon to be offspring. All the necessary skills are apparent in young M15 in his quest to become a strong Eagle Dad. Harriet is a well seasoned Eagle Mom and their journey together is unfolding beautifully as nature intended.
Nest Notes by dadsjazz

Ground video by wskrsnwings
- Crib Rail Teamwork Continues~M15 Gathers & Harriet Arranges https://youtu.be/MrkqMhdbuHA
- The Weather May Change But Eagle Determination Is Constant https://youtu.be/NJi1m0eslVQ
- Securing The Territory~Harriet Stays At Nest~M15 At Perimeter https://youtu.be/tYQdDZRMbP8
- Gathering & Placing Branches~Engaging Vocals & Motions https://youtu.be/0poVQdhsT5M
- A Branch Gathered~An Intruder Kept At Bay https://youtu.be/ab3OcntdF8g
- Harriet Quite Vocal Today~Counting Sticks?~Chatting To M15? https://youtu.be/LvAngLi8DFQ
- Harriet & M15 Mate~Defend~Rebuild As The Morning Awakens https://youtu.be/882Bd1FoHkM
Video by Birdbrain56
- SWFL Eagles ~ Monday Evening Hi-Lites https://youtu.be/fZJXIylHNHc
- SWFL Eagles ~ Wednesday Morning Hi-Lites https://youtu.be/_iLrF7iR2v8
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet (Great Closeups) https://youtu.be/AIxOstem4T0
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Lends a Helping Beak https://youtu.be/chTkR4B7FAs
- SWFL Eagles ~ Friday the 13th https://youtu.be/_V6VZQDglEQ
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Needs a Wet Nap https://youtu.be/udv1eJ_HHgk
- SWFL Eagles ~ Sunday Morning at the Nest ~ https://youtu.be/VG8RnZIY7nw
- SWFL Eagles ~ Afternoon Delight ~ https://youtu.be/J7vlItoxUzY
Video by LadyHawk
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 brings breakfast for Harriet https://youtu.be/foNpRibNj70
Video by LawLin72
- To Nest, To Pond & Back to Perch for the Night https://youtu.be/yT4fY-_DxiM
- Harriet and the Visitor, Morning of Nov 14, 2015 ~ SWFLEC https://youtu.be/y_sM_-blTPY
Video by scyllabub
- M15 flies up and off @ 2239hr, Harriet calls – SW Florida Bald Eagles https://youtu.be/AP2YJlFI7VY
- Starting out their day, inc pellet, grackle, beaking, nestorising https://youtu.be/jmHuClhHzWo
- Evening get together on nest, sweetness, mating – SW Florida Bald Eagles https://youtu.be/0vTb9LUb7k0
- Harriet n M15 conversing, close ups SW Florida Bald Eagles https://youtu.be/u8Y2ZlhPtA8
Video by Uta Grobe
- 11-09-15 17:54 Nest work and love in the air https://youtu.be/8uW2dLW5P4w
- Close up from Harriet this morning-slide show with pictures https://youtu.be/-259r-fsAqo
- Great close up Harriet this morning clip https://youtu.be/PrJvmrRHmvk
- Love in the evening (Good recording of mating) https://youtu.be/mPo8IKQ5RH8
More Video views at http://bit.ly/1kZr40N