Harriet continues on with her innate desire to build the bond with M15 and produce a new generation of Eagles. The bond has been developing over time and there have been many critical steps in the pairing of these two. M15 has been very energetic in his efforts to please Harriet. He has become more consistent in delivering meals to the nest for Harriet. He has been bringing softer nest material to welcome any possible eggs. M15 keeps his protective sights on the territory turning away any potential intruders. His loyalty to Harriet is evident and she appears to be appreciative.

Rainy weather over the last week may have dampened progress in nest building but did not deter Harriet and M15’s mating and bonding. They perched together through the wet days and nights in the Old Cam Tree and the nest tree. They were seen in some of their favorite perch places away from the pasture. One very windy night Harriet retreated to the nest and observers were anxiously waiting to see an egg. She tucked her head under her wing and slept well as M15 stood watch. When Harriet woke up she stepped up to the veranda branch and surprise, no egg. Harriet draws us in with her actions and being a savvy Eagle Mom, she leaves us guessing many times.

Harriet and M15’s have many neighbors in the pasture from horses to wide variety of other winged residents. Muscovy ducks inhabit the area and stake claim to what they think is their territory as the males were having a scuffle among themselves on the pond. In an effort to protect his mate, one brave Muscovy drake tried to warn off M15 at the pond bank by approaching him with flapping wings. The shrikes, crows, grackles, and other birds fly at Harriet and M15 as each protects their own believing that this is their territory. Harriet and M15 rent space under their nest to starlings to build nests there making for a good relationship with them and surrounding them with song.

Eagle life carries on for Harriet and M15 and their actions point to them staying the course and following through to eggs and eaglets. The drive to procreate is ingrained in Harriet and M15 as they work together toward success. There is little doubt that they will not accomplish this but it is all on Eagle time. Notes by dadsjazz
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- Morning Greetings~Mating~Harriet Goes For A Steal~Crow Chase https://youtu.be/d8zp5WqZ184
- “Stepping” It Up & A Mating & Time With Harriet https://youtu.be/tsRJ50lHXb0
- A Morning To Perch Away From The Nest https://youtu.be/5mDcWFoUbuE
- Drying Out In The OCT ~ “Leap-Frog” Mating Attempt https://youtu.be/pkeG3eXlrI0
- Watchfulness In The Early Morning Breezes https://youtu.be/akJ1tLLbI98
- Mating~Precious Side By Side~Harriet Gets Prey & M15 Stick/Grass~Ducks & M15 https://youtu.be/lFTFrKzJFtA
Video by Birdbrain56
- SWFL Eagles ~ Perching, Vocalizing & Outnumbered by Starlings ~ 11/30/15 https://youtu.be/NieuiBRy-58
- SWFL Eagles ~ Get Lost! https://youtu.be/wF47mxFzl0k
- SWFL Eagles ~ Monday Evening With H & M https://youtu.be/n0zf9rZZ0T8
- SWFL Eagles ~ Very Quiet Tuesday ~ 12/01/15 https://youtu.be/2P_k4Oi72Mo
- SWFL Eagles ~ Anyone Seen a Pair of Eagles Around Here? https://youtu.be/pZJ2hl5iW2Q
- SWFL Eagles ~ We’re Home ~ https://youtu.be/bTc6eAiw1lQ
- SWFL Eagles ~ Re-cap of the Day’s Activities ~ 12/03/15 https://youtu.be/_eBOD3o4G-Y
- SWFL Eagles ~ Nestorations, Breakfish & Mating ~ 12/05/15 https://youtu.be/oFWJZ_bXOPo
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet & M15 ~ 12/05/15 https://youtu.be/YKnP8V7s5Zw
- SWFL Eagles ~ The Bath, the Whole Bath & Nothing but the Bath ~ 12/05/15 https://youtu.be/KpViHuH84Ro
Video by scyllabub
- Harriet n M15 frantically fly in to defend nest – SW Florida Bald Eagles https://youtu.be/Sgf0YJywAiI
- Two matings, flyoffs, one on dead tree flies back to nest tree – SW Florida Bald Eagles https://youtu.be/fNvWj0ZfafM
- Cheeky Boat-tailed Grackle nestorising on Harriet’s nest – SW Florida Bald Eagles https://youtu.be/eUrwsSQZ57E
- Two morning matings: one sound only, one seen on dead tree – SW Florida Bald Eagles https://youtu.be/DHK2jEoQoWs
- Evening return, nestorising, sitting, disappointing – SW Florida Bald Eagles https://youtu.be/ix_RbYCzLiw
- Harriet and M15 fly in for a little nestorising, Grackles disturb peace – SW Florida Bald Eagles https://youtu.be/nMO_RxXmjgY
- Harriet’s morning, looking eggy but nest is sodden, M15 poos on her head – SW Florida Bald Eagles https://youtu.be/3d_l9nwx7mI
- Are these Muscovy Ducks fighting on ‘n on on the pond – SW Florida Bald Eagles https://youtu.be/LbCumhIfTKk
- Bony food for Harriet, great vocals, incomplete mating – SW Florida Bald Eagles https://youtu.be/LbCumhIfTKk
Video by Uta Grobe
- 11-30-15 17:52 Mating on branch in the evening https://youtu.be/rNfASWmzy3Q
- Black & White Closeup from M15 https://youtu.be/AXPPf2Hy5o8
- Harriet and M15 working together on the nest bowl https://youtu.be/gNUg8jvenFw
- SWFL12-03-15 14:18 Harriet fly in followed from M15 working on nest bowl https://youtu.be/f6SPdVDBAtQ
- SWFL12-05-15 10:56 Close up Harriet https://youtu.be/BGBCJgRDBio
- SWFL 12-05-15 11:00 Close up M15 https://youtu.be/_sAkTEFEqAc
- SWFL 12-05-15 10:21 M15 deliver a part of fish to Harriet https://youtu.be/4D0Sb1cVArI
- 12-06-15 08:47 Mating on branch this morning https://youtu.be/vtLqZc8F9Mc
More Video Views at http://bit.ly/1kZr40N