Early morning vocal greetings can be heard in the pasture. Harriet and M15 roost in the nest tree and occasionally on the old cam tree overnight. As the pasture awakens with activity, M15 is off to find nest material while Harriet stays close to home. Lately M15 has been very efficient at bringing a food and prey to the nest for Harriet. She graciously accepts the meals and eagerly eats as M15 stands guard and waits for a morsel or left over. One day M15 proudly delivered a fish but Harriet was nowhere in sight. He patiently waited for her return while protecting the fish. This showed great restraint and maturity by M15 since he did not eat the fish in her absence. M15 is also getting better at standing his ground with dominating Harriet as he brought a fish and decided he wasn’t sharing. He kept the fish from Harriet by displaying a mantle over it. M15 must first feed and take care of himself so he is strong enough to provide for Harriet and a possible family. A few days later he delivered two fish in quick succession to the nest to Harriet’s delight. M15 is proving himself to be a great provider. His young and awkward ways are now replaced with confidence and stamina.
All the steps seem to be in place. The nest looks ready, Harriet and M15 have been mating regularly and M15 is protecting the territory and hunting. In the past Harriet laid eggs in November but since M15 has become her new mate the timing may be off. M15 has been honing his skills and preparing to be an Eagle Dad. Harriet has been encouraging M15 along the way. Harriet’s instincts dictate her desire to be an Eagle Mom. Her bond with M15 is strong. The timing is up to nature. Nest Notes by dadsjazz

Video by wskrsnwings
- Early Stick Delivery Then Away & Preening In The Breeze https://youtu.be/qiRsy_3ciXs
- A Busy Morning For A Courting Couple https://youtu.be/_3akg81MOiE
- Strengthening The Bond In Action & Silence https://youtu.be/LeRUKG9dKcU
- Exploring New Spots With H & M + Mating, New Sticks & Grasses https://youtu.be/TH37UiX-51o
- *It’s All About Moss* M Gets 1 Of 2~A Moss Toy~Bonding & Mating https://youtu.be/uXQJcvVnb2A
- M15 Is A Great Provider~2 Hours = 2 Fish + 2 Grasses https://youtu.be/5BvMUY6Zkv8
Video by Eagle Eye Hallock
- SWFLEC Harriets Brood Patch 12/11/15 https://youtu.be/J72VLqKG0KY
- SWFLEC A flyin onto the nest where they made short work of it https://youtu.be/MvWe8RecWKs
- SWFLEC M15 brought two fish into the nest https://youtu.be/XHXKRcyny0U
Video by Kimberly Peck
- SWFEC – Long Pan by Cam Operator/Zoomie around 12/12/15 https://youtu.be/pKQnv14t2GI
Video by Lady Hawk
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet finally claims her fish https://youtu.be/vcnPI4DSyCw
- SWFL Eagles ~ Lunch is delivered & some stick placements 12 8 15 https://youtu.be/kRAQCiOnK3o
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 huge fish delivery for Harriet; Great closeups!! 12 13 15 https://youtu.be/I30p0MRtOWk
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 takes a bath & spreads wings to dry 12 13 15 https://youtu.be/ytwrTTjHfAI
Video by LawLin72
- HARRIET GETS WITH M! DEC 10, 2015 ~ SWFLEC https://youtu.be/C2m74yn07YE
Video by scyllabub
- Good evening mating on attic branch – SW Florida Bald Eagles https://youtu.be/9FM2dzTmv0M
- M15 brings fish to nest for himself! Harriet bereft – SW Florida Bald Eagles https://youtu.be/4KPXxIc_66w
- Headless fish from M15 to Harriet – SW Florida Bald Eagles https://youtu.be/-zNVQF0i8A0
Video by UrdogNu
- SWFLEagles~Who Rules The Roost? Big Fish Gift https://youtu.be/OENwDI3kbsw
Video by Uta Grosse
- SWFL 12-07-15 10:46 M deliver fish no Harriet to take over https://youtu.be/cov-8YUfCWE
- Close up M15 in the nest https://youtu.be/-jN2lwtmQuc
- After nest work love kick and mating https://youtu.be/U5PhAQ94niE