Harriet and M15 are becoming more and more in sync as they continue their well timed turns at incubating. In a few short weeks their team work will hopefully reward them with two beautiful eaglets hatching into the world. Harriet and M15 have labored tirelessly to ensure this will happen. Harriet takes the overnight shift but has been seen coaxing M15 to get up and off the eggs. She uses the gentlest nudges and soft vocals in her communication to him.
M15 is a great defender of his precious cargo. A sub adult Eagle with talons aimed at M15 attempted to land in the nest as he was on egg duty. M15 quickly fought off the intruder with amazing force, knocking the Eagle out of the nest and almost to the ground. Harriet arrived to escort the intruder out. The dramatic moment is a glimpse into the challenges of their daily life.
Harriet and M15 offered protection and insulation for their precious eggs as very wet and stormy weather entered the area. M15 and Harriet both continue to bring soft nest materials and sticks to build up the rails. Harriet often provides pine boughs maybe to help ward off the pesky bugs that bother her some nights.
M15 and Harriet have both delivered food to the nest. M15 brought fish and a mammal to share with Harriet. Harriet arrived with a morsel which M15 quickly grabbed for himself. It may have been a gift for his dedication since Harriet didn’t make a fuss.
We have seen a lot of changes in dynamics while viewing the solidifying bond between Harriet and M15. What we witness is that neither wind nor rain nor threats from intruders will deter them from their mission and ultimate goal.
Nest Notes by dadsjazz

Ground Video by wskrsnwigs
- Great Nest Exchange & Fly Off On A Very Foggy Morning https://youtu.be/MPaKbvLFpFk
- M15 & Harriet Are As Consistent As The Fog~First AM Exchange https://youtu.be/ebhKVic9Y0A
Video by EagleEye Hallock
- SWFLEC 1/6/16 Harriet on the Nest M15 brought in a rabbit https://youtu.be/S2kiIWTdzTg
- SWFLEC The switch this afternoon 1/7/16 https://youtu.be/Jvj1fCcEDZs
- SWFLEC Harriet is on the nest for the evening 1/7/16 https://youtu.be/OXsOAQ75gQc
- SWFLEC M15 on the nest and Harriet is on the power pole https://youtu.be/RC8LdBxpsMI
- SWFLEC M15 fights off a intruder http://youtu.be/p3CsqVVsfbg
- SWFLEC Harriet and M15 drying out after a night of storms ! Harriet Takes over brooding her eggs https://youtu.be/J0f2wVaAJ-c
Video by Lady Hawk
- SWFL Eagles ~ A rabbit for Harriet 1-6-16 https://youtu.be/QNFCgY7ynpA
- SWFLEagles~A Red Shouldered Hawk Visit 1-8-16 https://youtu.be/WQB2E8uolk
- SWFL Eagles ~ Sweet Talking Shift Change; Beak Kiss 1.10.16 https://youtu.be/qj_eXYaN_IM
Video by LawLin72
- EARLY EVENING SWITCH OVER ~ JAN 4, 2016 ~ SWFLEC https://youtu.be/8R5-sZR0JLQ
- HIGHLIGHTS OF JAN 6, 2016 WITH HARRIET & M ~ SWFLEC https://youtu.be/730vBa4ahH8
- SWFLEagles~Harriet Spends The Day Out!! 1-8-16 https://youtu.be/rU6MQqgkCDY
Video by UrDogNu
- SWFLEagles~M Mimics H Retrieving Nesting Material On The Fly https://youtu.be/S1hhcD_VACQ
- SWFLEagles ~ It’s All About The Eggs; Morning Nestivities ~ https://youtu.be/0niTENyYsmU
- SWFLEagles~H Bringeth Fish, M Taketh Away & More Highlights ~ 1-5-15 https://youtu.be/jc7e6k_iv9Y
- SWFLEagles~Three Cam View of Harriet’s Approach & Pine Bough Delivery ~ 1-6-16 https://youtu.be/nMXsNDwUFkM
- SWFLEagles ~ A Rabbit To Share, Splash Bath & Dry Off~1-6-16, WARNING: Close up of a rabbit being consumed. https://youtu.be/3cG9KvTFXMQ
- SWFLEagles~Two Weeks Til Pip Watch, Today’s Highlights ~ 1-7-16 https://youtu.be/DV2i10drSU4
- SWFLEagles ~ Tug-O-Fluff, RS Hawk Visit, M’s Halo ~ 1-8-16 https://youtu.be/fnU6n5b3JwY
- SWFLEagles ~ Spread Eagle Style Incubation & Drying (M), Talon Tap More Highlights ~ 1-8-16 https://youtu.be/PKTbXrzrpLU
- SWFLEagles~Altercation With Intruder Landing In The Nest 2 Cam View~ https://youtu.be/DbaSDfV2Fd0
- SWFLEagles~Beautiful Flight From Power Pole To OCT; Coaxing For Egg Duty~1-10-16 https://youtu.be/etULEUyO2kY
Video by Uts Grobe
- 01-04-16 11:34 M15 defends his territory and chased a raptor https://youtu.be/5WPZFkOZOko