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Changing by the Minute- Weekly Nest Notes

E7 and E8 are looking more like juvenile Eagles than fuzzy little eaglets as they change daily. Their adult like feathers appear to be popping out by the minute. Soon it will be hard to tell who is who. Their interactions change from peaceful snuggling to rivalry as they learn from one another and Mom and Dad. E7 and E8 build strong legs and wings by walking and “wingersizing” as the breezy weather continues. Both are more aware of their surroundings and the world beyond the nest. E7 is still aggressive at meal time and E8 perfects the art of the steal. E8 has grown more assertive engaging Mom, Dad and E7 in games of tug-o-war with everything from fish tails to nest rails. Their self feeding skills are improving at each meal. Dad delivered a fish and both rushed to greet the arrival. Roles switched back and forth with E8 getting the first bites until E7 stepped in. E8 took off with the last piece fish that was too big to swallow. E7 snagged the prize and then a back and forth competition of fish stealing began. It ended in a tie as E7 swallowed the largest portion and E8 snatched and ate the last piece. Both had very large crops and were ready for a nap after all the activity. Mom and Dad leave the nest for longer periods of time while keeping a watchful eye over the area. They perched together in their favorite places. They have defended the territory from several intruders this week. Harriet and M15 are well tuned into their young and each other. They will continue to grow their bond throughout the rearing of E7 and E8. Mom and Dad are working tirelessly together to protect and provide for the future of their family. Nest Notes by dadsjazz

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