Harriet and M15 perch and observe the progress nearly grown E7 and E8 have made over the last few months. If Eagles have feelings, Mom and Dad seem to have a sense of pride in their unfailing efforts as E7 and E8 display great use of the lessons they are receiving. Mom and Dad have equally shared in delivering a wide menu of fish and prey teaching that food is available in many forms. E7 and E8 are learning how to feed themselves no matter what is presented. As each delivery arrives they race to get to it, battle to keep it and eat it. There is a lot of back and forth stealing and tug-o-wars at mealtime. These behaviors are a must in a young Eagles life. E8 is gaining more courage at mealtime many times being first to grab the offering and last to swallow a bite especially if it is a fish tail.
E7 and E8 have been exercising their beautiful wings gaining strength for future flight. E7 has made great strides from small hops to nearby branches to short “flights” exploring higher perches in the nest tree. E7 has discovered the upper “attic” branch above the nest launching there to share the limb with Dad. The look M15 gave to E7 was priceless and a sense of pride seemed evident. E7 perched on an adjacent branch for several nighttime hours and made it back safely to the nest. The first flight for E7 may be coming soon. E8 is taking “wingersizing” seriously but has yet to make a leap off the security of the nest. Strength and curiosity are building and E8 will be soon be branching out.
As E7 and E8 continue to progress to their ultimate goal of flight and freedom, they are assured the protection and guidance of Mom and Dad. Their strength and courage are growing and E7 and E8 will be well equipped with all the necessary tools and skills to survive on their own. Nest Notes by dadsjazz

Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- E7 Branches To The Attic 04-05-16 https://youtu.be/PNNv50Y6CQY
- Fish Delivery~Flights~Pellets~Branching~Winging 04-05-16 https://youtu.be/H5fbWkLSLk4
- E7 Loves The Branches~Both Love Wing Play 04-08-16 https://youtu.be/-xai4NBvirk
- Early Morning Winging, Branching, Moving Sticks, Climbing Trunks 04-09-16 https://youtu.be/crpM2ns2esA
- A Tricky Delivery For A Whale Of a Fish 04-09-16 https://youtu.be/8ATQF_Ei_MI
- Family Time~Dad & E7 Time~Mom & E8 Time 04-09-16 https://youtu.be/qQ0AP-Zz1hI
- Branches-Wings-Leg Kicks-Birdy Snack-Peeps & Fits For More 04-10-16 https://youtu.be/92ev7yX8KQI
Video by Lady Hawk
- SWFL Eagles ~ Opossum for two 4.4.16 https://youtu.be/ztaj0r6Pv5g
- SWFL Eagles ~ E7 Branches to Attic First Time 4.5.16 https://youtu.be/TtKTqO6wN38
- SWFL Eagles ~ Fish Tails for Harriet & E8 4.5.16 https://youtu.be/kz9eCuQB_TQ
- SWFL Eagles ~ Dual Feedings & Stolen Tails 4.6.16 https://youtu.be/PZdfzS8xTvM
- SWFL Eagles ~ Catfish for E8 4.7.16 https://youtu.be/HDPT6LadgFM
- SWFL Eagles ~ Nothing Goes to Waste 4.8.16 https://youtu.be/TE74AEumbO4
- SWFL Eagles ~ Rabbit Lunch; Lessons on De-furring 4.10.16 https://youtu.be/Ta3pBdxboW0
Video by UrDogNu
- SWFL Eagles ~ Opossum for two 4.4.16 https://youtu.be/ztaj0r6Pv5g
- SWFL Eagles~MY Fish, Bold Beak Steal, Family Time, More Fish & Clips ~ 4–5-16 https://youtu.be/tMa9_SArJ4k
- SWFL Eagles~Air For E8, Squirrel Delivery, Dad & E8 Working That Pelt~ 4–7-16 https://youtu.be/E920m4Akg9I
- SWFL Eagles~Propelled Pellet, Flap Fest, 2 Tries To Deliver Huge Fish, Family Time~ 4–9-16 https://youtu.be/E920m4Akg9I
- SWFL Eagles~Hovering, Cam Strap & Stick Play, Walk On Me, Food, New Branch ~ 4–9&10-16 https://youtu.be/AXFgkkQsqxM