E7 has been building quite a list of accomplishments exploring nearly every branch in the nest tree and discovering new perches in the trees in the pasture. Flights from take off to landing are becoming more finely tuned as agility and stamina increase. E8 is gaining momentum exploring the outer and higher branches of the nest tree for the first time. E8 has progressed in short flights between the farthest branches and has no doubt sensed the feeling of flight while hovering above the branches. There have been interesting interactions between the siblings as they perch together. E8 studies the movements of E7 seeming to yearn to follow. There are times that look as if E7 entices E8 to join in their flights. Both E’s have perched on branches with Mom and Dad appearing to want them to see their progress. The sense of adventure and curiosity in these young Eagles holds great rewards of freedom and independence. Soon E8 will be realizing the freedom of flight for the first time.

Food drops had been plentiful and then a few days passed with no food. Observers of nature have many speculations but no way to understand the realities. There may be days in E7 and E8’s future travels when they will not find a meal. This is a reminder of their struggles in the wild. Lessons of patience, protection and aggressiveness in stealing, hiding food and eating quickly are being mastered by E7 and E8. These skills and many more are essential for their survival.
Timing becomes crucial as the nest is slowly disappearing and E8 begins perching on the attic branch overnight. The remaining nest is used for an occasional resting place for E7 and E8. Food has been brought to the nest but it is apparent that there is not enough room for 2 very grown E’s and Mom or Dad. Mom’s talon was fair game at one delivery and Dad slipped off the side while trying to save the fish. E7 was observed taking a vine from under the nest, flying with it around the pasture trees and eventually taking it back to place it in the nest. This may be a first time seeing a fledgling bringing nest material. Mom has also delivered grasses but usually rebuilding begins after E7 and E8 are off on their own.

Lessons and the honing of skills are still in the works for E7 and E8 in the coming weeks. Harriet and M15 will continue nurturing and encouraging their impressionable offspring in the development of vital tools they will need in the next leg of their journey. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Ground video by wskrsnwings
- E8 Branches To The Attic 7:06 AM 04-25-2016 https://youtu.be/s8RK__Cqtl8
- ~E8 Enjoys Attic & Great Return To Nest~E7 Great Flights~More Of Nest Falls 04-25-16 https://youtu.be/G2GY6IAYN5g
- E7 & E8 At Work & Play~Branch, Fly, Nestorate, Guard Area, Split Cam Straps 04-26-16 https://youtu.be/FGs2LT6MbMo
- E7~A+ Flight – Longest/Twists/Turns. E8~ Skills Strengthen 04-27-16 https://youtu.be/hDJuugoOpTk
- Working On Eagle Skills: E7~Mis-Step Recovery & E8~Sustained Flapping 04-28-16 https://youtu.be/3W8DMrzSq7w
- Food Delivery Gone Awry~E7 Flies Far In West Pasture 04-29-16 https://youtu.be/KwMQ5bnxEtw
- E8 Takes Command Of The Veranda 04-29-16 https://youtu.be/Qrp1bXsZvpI
- A New Day For E7’s Flight Adventures 04-29-16 https://youtu.be/6wdXNIknV8U
- E8 Nails The Landings/Launches On New & Old Branches 04-30-16 https://youtu.be/o_sTX1AqPcY
- A Hover That Almost Became A Fledge 05-01-16 https://youtu.be/4oEU9jLOgFo
- Another First… E7 Carries, Transfers & Delivers A Vine To Nest 05-01-16 https://youtu.be/v-tNWJRwX0c
- M15 And Fish Go Overboard~More Of Nest Falls~Crows Attack Adults 05-01-16 https://youtu.be/E-Qp1XCGhQI
- E8, Master Of Recovery Of Branch Mishaps~E8 Hovers & Flies The Branches 05-01-16 https://youtu.be/g5K9YJ1s7ao
Video by Lady Hawk
- SWFL Eagles ~ E8 on Attic Branch First Time; How to get Down 4.25.16 https://youtu.be/VB562smafRA
- SWFL Eagles ~ E8 vs. the Camera Strap 4.26.16 https://youtu.be/6EcJdBe8l_I
- SWFL Eagles ~ E7 joins Mom & Dad tonight 4.26.16 https://youtu.be/0X5LIxiL9ic
- SWFL Eagles ~ E7 Bites M15 on the head; Harriet feeds both 4.27.16 https://youtu.be/PORDwfGkyfA
- SWFL Eagles ~E8 Hopping, Flapping, Branching Higher Than Ever Before 4 29 16 https://youtu.be/gUJmX7nB8fs
- SWFL Eagles ~ Togetherness & Fly-bys 4 29 16 https://youtu.be/moOjinlp1B8
- SWFL Eagles ~ E7’s Darth Vader Welcome to Dad 4 29 16 https://youtu.be/G4wFozd3Ny4
- SWFL Eagles ~ More Nest Collapses; M15 Loses Fish Over Side 5.1.16 https://youtu.be/pIutydfaTQo
Video by UrDogNu
- SWFL Eagles~Sunrise & More Flights, Pellet, Food, Steal, Horse Bath~4-26-16 https://youtu.be/9yh0BxEfSD8
- SWFL Eagles~Flights, Feather & Stick Play, Breakfish, E8 Defends Food~4-27-16 https://youtu.be/Ja42Trgf9Wc
- SWFL Eagles~ACTION PACKED…WARNING: Young Bird Delivery, Family Time, Left-overs Not Allowed, E7 Bites Dad, Tug Time 4-27-16 https://youtu.be/2d8AmjR5R-8
- SWFL Eagles~‘Beakering’, Flights, Pellet, Mishap, Allopreening, Bungee Jump Try & More Highlights ~ 4-28-16 https://youtu.be/n2puxdWc9xc
- SWFL Eagles~Karate Kickin’ E8, E8 To Veranda & Higher, Food Overboard…E7 Follows~4-29-16 https://youtu.be/Z7D_zaBEuyU
- SWFL Eagles~E8 Explores New Upper & Outer Branches, Head Dancin’, High Hovering, In & Out~4-29-16 https://youtu.be/M8ZtOaSsTjA
- SWFL Eagles~Finally…Food For Hungry E7&8, New Branches For E8 & More Highlights~4-30-16 https://youtu.be/TCNk9khImaQ
- SWFLEagles~The Fish That Got Away, E7 Grabs & Delivers Long Vine (Slow Mo Clips)~5-1-16 https://youtu.be/V1icgHm9alU