Harriet and M15 are working as a finely tuned team readying their beautifully constructed nest to welcome a new generation of eaglets. All signs point to them achieving their goal as they prepare. They both continue to find the materials needed for the nest as they maneuver through the pasture and the trees around the territory. Harriet was observed lying in the nest overnight. M15 takes his turn at checking the nest bowl looking very comfortable. M15 ramps up food deliveries to the nest which will prove crucial when eggs arrive. He provided a variety from fish to squirrel to opossum and waited for Harriet to arrive. Most times Harriet was right on his tail voicing her approval and being very appreciative of the meal. Bonding and mating are becoming more frequent. Harriet and M15 take turns watching over the territory and spending time away from it. They are a united front in defense of their property. These actions are good indicators that egg laying time may be drawing near.
M15 has become an impressive mate for Harriet and his skills as protector, provider and nest builder are serving her well. Harriet seems to have a sense of calm about her and she appears to have enormous trust in M15’s loyalty.
Harriet and M15 continue to display their devotion to each other. All these actions ensure they will be dedicated parents to their soon to be arriving offspring.
Nest Notes by dadsjazz
M15 delivers a huge fish for Harriet. (Beth Jones)

Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- M15 and Harriet Leave Early~Other Birds Visit The Pasture 10-23-16 https://youtu.be/EToZ6OopTps
- Sub Adult, Hawk & Myriad Of Other Birds~But No H or M 10-25-16 https://youtu.be/JUU-pLTXwNU
- Two Sticks Added Before H & M Leave~Crow & Woodpecker Capers 10-26-16 https://youtu.be/JFUj1XA3m9M
- A Morning Of Tandem Flights~Defending & Stick Gathering 10-27-16 https://youtu.be/PrwhFUfp2zk
- A Whopper Fish & More Nest Bedding_M15, Mate Extraordinaire 10-28-16 https://youtu.be/c-rr86U8qe0
- Another Stellar Stick Day For M15~Mating In The Attic 10-29-16 https://youtu.be/E1-R6qDeIZ8
Cam Video by Lady Hawk
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Tests Nest Bowl; Bonding in Nest 10.23.16 https://youtu.be/1dBEIttvSLc
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Delivers Opossum for Harriet 10.25.16 https://youtu.be/zaoZZ5ZVziQ
- SWFL Eagles ~ A Quiet Evening for Both 10.26.16 https://youtu.be/a5R2YLzwEQE
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15’s Mystery Food Gift for Harriet 10.27.16 https://youtu.be/LAzbyEVUhWw
- SWFL Eagles ~ Dad’s Huge Stick; Laying in Nest Bowl 10.27.16 https://youtu.be/UU_3l_SBCEQ
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Spends First Night on Nest 10 27 16 https://youtu.be/BJHTszmi8i8
- SWFL Eagles ~ Squirrel Delivery by Dad 10.29.16 https://youtu.be/W1KCZ0_ii5I
Cam Video by Uta Grobe
- BEWSFL10/23/16- 10:41 Harriet and her side kick Dad left and tests nest https://youtu.be/dzO_Fh1vkfk
- BESWFL10/23/16- 09:50 Love is in the air mating with" cloacal kiss" https://youtu.be/n7yPN5aX640
- BESWFL10/23/16 Pictures from day https://youtu.be/31Ll4Xk3llE
- BEWSFL10/25/16- 12:07 Food gift for Harriet- slide show https://youtu.be/kmr_MUbZ43o
- BESWFL10/28/16- 08:49 Opulent fish gift from DadM as breakfast https://youtu.be/Z-lAFGX7di4
- BESWFL10/28/16- 09:19 Dinner for two https://youtu.be/6nN4-vB4Alo
- BESWFL 10/28/16 Pictures from morning and afternoon https://youtu.be/XaG-DNJuAe4
- BESWFL10/28/16-14:19 Dad fly in with monster stick and works hard on it https://youtu.be/1onhIftQeFM
- BEWSFL10/28/16- 17:47 All you needs is love https://youtu.be/tHxHE3BjiEg

Harriet and M15 perched together. (Karen Stewart)