Harriet and M15 have each taken their turn incubating their eggs, carefully turning and rolling them at regular intervals. They aerate the nest material by pulling it up from the bottom and turning it over. They patiently brood their eggs for hours on end and eagerly step up to take their next turn at egg tending. The cycle goes on without a hitch with well timed exchanges. Many times they pass each other with a brief vocal acknowledgement saying possibly, “Your Turn”. Mom and Dad have each taken their turn to relax and enjoy free time to visit the pond for a bath, to soar and to perch in their favorite spots around the territory.

M15 has proven his skills as he has turned into a masterful provider, nest builder and protector. Appearances may be that not much is going on in the nest but the subtle changes show that time is drawing near to welcome new life. Dad has delivered fish and prey to the nest and continues bringing grass and sticks. Their work is never finished. Harriet and M15 have turned into a well synced and loyal Eagle couple striving to continue their legacy through out the twists and turns of Eagle life.
Nest notes by dadsjazz

Mom flying back to the nest for her turn at incubating. (captured from SWFEC by Sharon Dunne)
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- A Foggy Morning & Two Wet Eagles~M Brings More Grasses 12-14-16 https://youtu.be/3I8j-YLlK1A
- The First Morning Switch~Harriet Perches Briefly Nearby 12-18-16 https://youtu.be/iHtzw4k0-kM
Video captured from SWFEC by Birdbrain56
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Goes for Take-Out ~ 12·14·16 https://youtu.be/5uxtBw0IxJI
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Watches M15 at the Pond ~ 12·14·16 https://youtu.be/CG9AARrCjNw
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Out & About ~ 12·15·16 https://youtu.be/ZA_Hh9QyxQI
Video captured from SWFEC by EagleEye Hallock
- SWFL Live Eagle Cam 12/12/16 https://youtu.be/tHtY5aLZ_xQ
Video captured from SWFEC by Lady Hawk
- SWFL Eagles ~ Evening Ritual; Harriet Flies from Power Pole 12.12.16 https://youtu.be/lUkAS59EvxQ
- SWFL Eagles ~ Foggy Morning Snag Tree Visits; M15 Delivers More Grasses 12.14.16 https://youtu.be/Vpc3wLJJlm0
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15’s Quick Catch or Steal; Closeups of Eggs 12.14.16 https://youtu.be/sO4hiEonKPQ
- SWFL Eagles ~ Rabbit Lunch for Harriet 12.15.16 https://youtu.be/N_QQKNtIkIk
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet’s Pond Visit; Preening & Soaring 12.15.16 https://youtu.be/gPYd9_sYG2U
- SWFL Eagles ~ Small Appetizer Fish for Breakfast 12.16.16 https://youtu.be/YhkhHq6-pD4
- SWFL Eagles ~Afternoon Pond Visit for M15 12.16.16 https://youtu.be/Jfhnc7v6HMg
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Preens in Pond Tree while M15 Incubates 12.18.16 https://youtu.be/zXA1pAAxZYM
Video captured by Uta GroBe
- BESWFL12/12/16- 17:18 Close up Dad incubating change for night https://youtu.be/MdRIXD09zPw