Harriet and M15 patiently perform their task at hand as the world around them bustles with activity. Mom and Dad share many hours incubating their precious eggs without hurry or worry. Slow and steady seems to be the way on their journey. They greet each day with purpose and their inherent abilities and skills serve them well in all their responsibilities. They remain aware and watchful to what goes on around them as they protect and defend their territory at this critical time. Their strength lies in their bond to each other, their nest and future offspring. Mom and Dad’s dedication is never ending.
Harriet and M15 will soon realize the success of all their efforts to continue the cycle of Eagle life. Change will come again in the pasture and Mom and Dad will meet any challenges with their calm resolve. All wait with much anticipation for hatching and all hope is for the emergence of energetic eaglets. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Mom and Dad share a moment on the old cam tree. (screen capture from SWFEC by Anja Edelman)

Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- A Foggy Start Means More Time With Beautiful Harriet 12-22-16 https://youtu.be/mq6mYQpZsvA
- Christmas Eve Morning With Harriet & M15~Early Vocals~Quiet Switches~M On Alert 12-24-16 https://youtu.be/Ymf92TLCiFo
Video captured from SWFEC by Lady Hawk
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet’s Morning; M15 Aerates Nest 12.19.16 https://youtu.be/UgzzqNWw2S8
- SWFL Eagles ~ M’s Big Stick & Tiny Fish Tail Delivery 12.20.16 https://youtu.be/Zot7RQv4qdE
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Flushes out Intruder; M15 Delivers Big Fish 12.21.16 https://youtu.be/oXLLjEWi1q0
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Finally Eats her Fish 12.21.16 https://youtu.be/1nmMc6Vdx7A
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15’s Deliveries; Harriet Preens on OCT 12.23.16 https://youtu.be/XTe5vF86Dfw
- SWFL Eagles ~ Christmas Eve Fish for Harriet 12.24.16 https://youtu.be/K1DJgwfka9A
- SWFL Eagles ~ Morning Rituals with H & M 12 24 16
- https://youtu.be/v9GBbuy6QDk
Video captured from SWFEC by Uta Grobe
- BESWFL12/23/16-16:47 Food gift for Harriet- close up eggs https://youtu.be/EipeX54OIes