Magnificent sunrises, beautiful sunsets and the bright full moon over the territory served as stunning backdrops for the activities of Harriet, M15 and E9. Mom and Dad continue providing their not so little E9 with all that is necessary for growth and learning. M15 proves his great hunting skills by presenting fish, fowl and a few mammals to the nest. Mom and Dad begin eating to encourage E9 to step in and grab bites and E9 snatched a first time steal from Dad gulping it down. E9 begins to self feed and will gain more ability to stand on the food and tear off pieces. Soon E9 will meet meal time with mantling and more aggression to protect the delivered prey and eat it quickly.
In just 6 short weeks, E9 is surpassing many milestones in an Eaglet’s life under the guidance and watchful eyes of excellent Eagle Parents. E9 curiously explores the nest and works on building strength while standing upright and flapping growing wings. E9 uses better coordination picking up sticks and nest materials moving them from place to place. Mom still sits with E9 in the afternoon to shade her growing baby from the hot sun.
As E9 nears adult size and becomes a presence in the nest Mom and Dad spend more time away together perching on the high poles, the Old Cam Tree, front pine tree and many other favorite places throughout their territory. They reaffirm their bond to each other while keeping E9 well within their sight. They remain always on guard, scanning the skies and fiercely defending against the intruders in the area. E9 tracks Mom and Dad’s flights chattering greetings upon their return to the nest.
E9’s progress is impressive as physical changes show beautiful emerging feathers. E9 is better balanced in movement and the unfolding of mighty wings becomes like a dance. E9 will begin to perform flying leaps and hops across the nest striving to reach a nearby branch. All essential elements are in place for continued development and success as E9 learns life as a majestic Eagle. Nest Notes by dadsjazz

E9’s big beautiful wings. (Screen capture from SWFEC by Sharon Dunne)
Gound Video by wskrsnwings
- M Loves His Family~Fish For E9 & Kisses For H 02-07-17
- A Family Morning~Fish, Stick, Grass & E9 Wants It All 02-09-17
- E9 Shows More Strength~Harriet Encourages Assertion 02-12-17
Video captured from SWFEC by Lady Hawk
- SWFL Eagles ~ Foggy Sunday; H & M on Snag Tree 2.5.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Beautiful Harriet 2.5.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Mom’s Grass & Dad’s Stick; E9 Aims ps at Mom 2.6.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Dad Delivers Live Flopping Fish 2.6.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Big Fish Head for E9 2.7.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Wingersizing, Feather Development; Closeups of H, M & E9 2.7.17
- SWFL Eagles ~~ E9 Starts Self Feeding 2.8.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Juvie Intruder Fly By at Nest; Harriet Alerts 2.8.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ E9 Helps with Nestorations; Wing Flapping; Bites Mom on the Neck 2.8.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ First Fish of the Day; Dad Feeds E9; Mom Brings Grasses 2.9.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Surf & Turf; E9 Self Feeds on Squirrel 2.9.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ E9’s First Steal; Tug-O-Squirrel with Mom 2.9.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet’s Love Tap; E9 Late Night Nestorations 2.9.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Friday Date Night 2.10.17

Harriet and M15 enjoy the sunset on the old cam tree. (Screen capture from SWFEC by Hollis Amelia)