E9 continued to make appearances throughout the territory to the delight of observers. E9 performed beautiful and purposeful soaring in the skies twisting, turning and eluding the birds giving chase. Harriet and M15 frequented the tall power poles to perch on as they watched over their domain. E9 displayed courage perching for the first time on the tallest pole which is usually reserved for Harriet. E9 has become a secure and confident Juvenile Eagle while acquiring more skills. Areas away from the nest pasture found E9 watching Harriet and M15 on the hunt. E9 then practiced tracking and hunting behaviors while scanning the pastures and wooded areas for rabbits, squirrels and other prey. Fishing involves well coordinated and time consuming effort and energy and may take E9 more time to develop. E9 scored top honors stealing food from Mom and Dad as they enticed E9 with their catches. Grabbing and keeping a meal from another Eagle or raptor or another species for that matter will be one of the main sources of food until hunting and fishing are perfected. Carrion (dead animals) will be another source of food and E9 will learn to follow the vultures with their keen sense of smell to find it. Hunger is a great motivator and when the opportunity to feed presents itself E9’s instincts will prompt action. E9 is fine tuning the lessons for the next part of the journey.
Harriet and M15 continued to care for their well educated offspring. They seem to have distanced themselves at times and then delivered a meal for E9 or spent the day perched together. The nest became more of a feeding platform when M15 delivered two fish to E9. M15 may be more inclined to continue to feed E9 since he has been programmed to do so for these last several months. Smaller birds have been pestering and warning away E9, Mom and Dad as they protected their own nests. The Family enjoyed quiet afternoons in relief from the bothersome birds and hot sunny days nestled in the trees at Yonder Pond and the West Pasture.

E9 will soar and explore the highest heights with strength and confidence as an accomplished and well prepared Juvenile Eagle on the way to majesty. The time will soon come for E9 to be carried through the thermals armed with great skills and courage along with the hopes and well wishes of those who have had the privilege to witness the journey.
Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- E9~Prince(ss) Of The Pasture Again & Squirrel Play 04-24-17 https://youtu.be/fMy3MQ1KysU
- E9 On The Hunt For H & M And All That Flies 04-25-17 https://youtu.be/wT-_mrKhQ_M
- A Morning Full Of Squees & Keeping Talons & Beak Busy 04-26-17 https://youtu.be/zxmU7zjD1rc
- Watch E9 Learning To Hunt & 1st Time Seen On Power Poles 04-27-17 https://youtu.be/yioTNxAzLG0
- Waitin’ On E9~M Finds Time To Bathe 04-28-17 https://youtu.be/bgZaYm-Lnpg
- Elusive E9 Soars Then Perches At Yonder Pond 04-29-17 https://youtu.be/CV16L3unCAE
- E9 Scores A+ On Flight Maneuvers & Soaring~Juvie Hawk Hunts Again 04-30-17 https://youtu.be/l8Wv6Mok9DM
Video captured from SWFEC cameras by Lady Hawk
- SWFL Eagles ~ E9 Returns ~ Visits Nest, Soars & Perches On Snag Tree 4.23.17 https://youtu.be/u_UX6sUrnjA
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Returns After Dark; E9’s Early Morning Visit 4.25.17 https://youtu.be/xd5nc2tE2qo
- SWFL Eagles ~ The Magic Of The Pasture; Horses, Anhinga & More 4.26.17 https://youtu.be/1XHYY_PbRmw
- SWFL Eagles ~ E9’s Morning Moments 4.26.17 https://youtu.be/Q1qLUeMd-F4
- SWFL Eagles ~ E9’s Posturing ~ Mantles, Vocals & Hissy Fits 4.26.17 https://youtu.be/ZHwR31rzl5k
- SWFL Eagles ~ Dad’s First Fish for E9 At The Nest 4.29.17 https://youtu.be/kX-nqwunALI
- SWFL Eagles ~ Dad Brings Fish #2; E9 Eats On Nest 4.29.17 https://youtu.be/RQ0qBGbQQPM
- SWFL Eagles ~ Great Egret & Roseate Spoonbill at Pasture Pond 4.29.17 https://youtu.be/nLWRRxwGHoY