The season is in full swing as Harriet and M15 continue to add sticks to the railings and grasses to their nest. Harriet does her part bringing moss and fresh sprigs of pine needles. Discussions ensue over placement of the materials resulting in Harriet getting the say-so most times. M15 is more consistent with food deliveries for Harriet. Great care is taken in the meal department since there have been juvenile and subadult Eagles following M15 who might be looking to snag an easy lunch. These visitors possibly have traveled a long way, they are hungry and may associate a nest and adult Eagles with food. These could be some reasons why there are so many lurking around. The newly adult Eagles visiting the area are instinctively looking for mates and nests of their own. Harriet and M15 remain cautious with these interested visitors encroaching in their territory. They are only tolerated for a short time before being escorted away. As time for egg laying nears Harriet and M15 will consider all visitors as intruders and not allow any near their nest or territory.
Harriet has been observed “footing” or giving M15 the “love tap” and flapping her wings at and over him. The female Eagle uses this behavior to show dominance over the male Eagle and to encourage mating. In doing so Harriet ensures that M15 will be loyal to her and their eaglets, providing food and protection for them and taking an active part in their care and rearing. Harriet rules the roost so to speak keeping the Eagle Family together. M15 has done an excellent job fulfilling all of the needs for Harriet and their young.
M15 and Harriet have been taking time to enjoy their pond and surroundings. They perched in the nest tree overnight a few nights and spent the night away on other occasions. They appear to be eating well looking healthy and well rested. It is evident that Harriet and M15’s bond is strong and they are ready to heed their calling to bring new life to the pasture. Nest Notes by dadsjazz

Video captured from SWEFC cameras by Lady Hawk
- SWFL Eagles ~ Sunrise Bonding, Side Kicks & Preening 10.9.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Beautiful Harriet; Closeups & Pellet Cast 10.9.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Sticks & Grasses; Harriet & M Tug-O-Stick 10.9.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Love In The Afternoon 10.9.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Sub Adult Flies To Nest Tree: M15 Defends Nest w/ SLO MO 10.10.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Highlights With Harriet: Bonding Attempt Goes Awry w/ SLOW MO 10.11.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Flying In Together 10.12.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Unanswered Side Kicks & Bonding 10.12.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Juvie At Pond; Intruder Sits Next To Harriet; SLO MO M Flushing Out Intruder 10.13.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ A Morning With Dad; Sticks & Closeups 10.13.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Bath & Pond Time For Mom & Dad; Fish Delivery 10.13.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ H and M Bring Sticks; M Does The Decorating 10.14.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Answers Harriet’s Side Kick; Bonding Attempt SLO MO 10.15.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ The Many Faces Of M15 10.14.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Sub Adult Visit; Harriet On OCT & Pasture Puddles For M 10.15.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ A Different Breakfast Meal For Harriet 10.15.17
Video captured from SWFEC cameras by Uta Große
- SWFL10-10-17- 19:10 Subadult visit Dad in nest tree,Dad drops down in nest tree
- SWFL10-12-17-Dads stick delivery and Harriets side kick without response
- SWFL10-13-17- 14:43 fish gift- Dad take a bath- subadult on pond
- SWFL10-13-17- 15:11 Adult eagle fly in nest tree Dad comes back chasing the stranger
- No Nest Work-H & M Leave Early & Starling ‘Clean Up’ Crew 10-10-17
- Alert Vocals-Sticks-Grasses-Bonding Posture & Vocals Make The Morning 10-12-17