The week was filled with a lot of nest work. M15 and Harriet have been busy adding soft nest materials to the center forming a nicely cushioned nest bole for eggs. M15 has been lying in and digging in the bole to keep it fluffed up. They both have been bringing a lot of large sturdy branches for the rails which will help contain adventurous eaglets. M15 makes frequent food deliveries displaying his readiness to feed Harriet and their young. Harriet seemed a bit feisty over the week encouraging M15 by “footing” and wing flapping over him. These behaviors show her readiness to mate but also her dominance over M15. Female Eagles are the more dominant partner in the relationship to insure the male Eagle’s loyalty to her and their eaglets. He will be needed to share all the responsibilities for their family. This will be the third season of rearing eaglets for Harriet and M15. Although M15 was a young inexperienced Male when he arrived, he has become an exceptional mate for Harriet and Dad to their young.

Harriet and M15 are more aware of their surroundings and work together keeping any intruders at bay. The neighboring eagle couple keeps their distance but they are also protecting their territory and getting ready for their own family. The pesky owl has made a swipe or two at Harriet and M15 as they perched in the nest tree over night.
All eyes have been on Harriet and M15 as their actions indicate their readiness. Their hormones are in full force and they are displaying some of the notable behaviors of aggression, more frequent mating and ramped up nest building. Closer to egg time we may see the formation of a nest cup, a smaller area in the center of the bole to hold newly laid eggs. Harriet and M15 will each develop a brood patch which is a place on their chest area where feathers fall off or are removed exposing skin to help with egg incubation. Excitement is growing to see the new generation of Harriet and M15’s offspring. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cams)
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Delivers Young Blue Heron To Nest; Disclaimer: Graphic 10.30.17
- SWFL Eagles~Evening Rituals; End of Day Nestorations, Bonding & Rest 10.30.17
- SWFL Eagles~ Stick Placement, Bonding & Harriet’s Side Kick w/SLO MO 10.31.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Keeping Watch at Nest Tree; Closeups H & M; Fish Delivery 10.31.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Sunrise at the Nest; Breakfish for Harriet & Bonding 11.1.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Testing Out The Fluff; One More Stick, One More Kick 11.1.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15’s Large Fish for Harriet 11.2.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Spa Bath Day For Both Mom & Dad At Pond 11.2.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ A Sticky Exchange; M Gets Fish From Harriet In Brilliant Move 11.2.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ The Battle Of The Sticks 11.2.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ One Fish & Two Snack Deliveries; M Tries Stick Maneuver Again; Pond Visit 11.3.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet’s Dominance; M15’s Huge Crop & Sleeping Under the Full Moon 11.3.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ King Of Sticks & Pine Boughs; Harriet’s Side Kick w/SLO MO 11.4.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Major Nestorations Underway; H & M Build Up Nest For Eggs 11.4.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Dad’s Sudden Take Off Almost Knocks Harriet From OCT Slo Mo 11.5.17
- SWFL Eagles ~ Road Kill Lunch; Harriet Swallows Pelt & Tail; Mating on Branch 11.5.17 by Lady Hawk;
Video by Uta Große (captured from SWFEC cams)
- 10-31-17 Fish, fish gift and grass delivered from Dad
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- H & M Trick And Treat Us~Sticks On The Fly & Two Matings 10-31-17
- H&M~A Bond So Strong_Watching M15 Provide-Build-Mate 11-02-17
- H & M Show Their Art Of Nest Building 11-04-17