Harriet stayed close to the nest she loves over the week. M15 was in a high gear searching far and wide for the perfect nest materials. He brought in large sticks and branches and a lot of grasses. M15 dug in and laid in the nest to get the fluff just right in preparation for their precious cargo. Harriet brought in boughs of her favorite fresh pine. They work with a sense of urgency to get it all done. Their frequent mating helps to insure fertilized eggs and also strengthens their bond to each other. M15 provided many food gifts to Harriet in his efforts to further show his loyalty to her. M15 has been a devoted partner to Harriet and he has grown very confident and skilled in the ways of the Eagle.

Harriet and M15’s senses are heightened in defense of their territory. They remain on high alert even while roosting overnight in the nest tree keeping one eye on their surroundings. Visitors are not well tolerated now that they are in nesting and breeding mode. Juvenile Eagles have been spotted flying by the nest. A few have followed M15 back to the nest as he carried food. Some have speculated the visitors may be past offspring. Juvenile Eagles may associate a nest with food and could be looking to steal a meal or two. These beautiful Juvenile’s identities may never be known and even if they are relatives, they would not be welcome in the area. They would be treated as intruders and then warned and escorted away. The Eagle population in Florida is very healthy which allows for many young Eagles to be seen soaring the skies on their mission to survive.Indications are favorable for Harriet and M15 as they heed their calling to procreate. When will eggs be laid? This is a question only Harriet can answer. All will happen according to Eagle time. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Video by Lady Hawk
- SWFL Eagles ~ Intruder Follows M & Harriet w/Prey; Flies Over Nest 11.6.17 https://youtu.be/CTMW1b6fe2o
- SWFL Eagles ~ Foggy Morning Closeups of M15; Harriet On OCT & Moss Delivery 11.6.17 https://youtu.be/LNPuP1ZJnlE
- SWFL Eagles ~ Two Fish For Harriet 11.7.17 https://youtu.be/i3YjnuDL6c8
- SWFL Eagles ~ M’s Turn To Eat Fish; Harriet Gets The Tail 11.7.17 https://youtu.be/MVQjSg2MmXs
- SWFL Eagles ~ Look At All The Sticks I Brought In; Bonding & Harriet’s Side Kick 11.8.17 https://youtu.be/Dwydh4Is57Q
- SWFL Eagles ~ Afternoon Fish Delivery & Pond Time For H & M 11.8.17 https://youtu.be/q41BoABnDHo
- SWFL Eagles ~ A Rabbit Lunch; Plenty Of Food For Two 11.8.17 https://youtu.be/YlVFZcvLnsI
- SWFL Eagles ~ Sunset Glow On Harriet; Closeups Roosting Together At Nest Tree 11.8.17 https://youtu.be/kowLLm1E5kg
- SWFL Eagles ~ Hard Working M15 ~ Fish, Sticks & Fluff Deliveries 11.9.17 https://youtu.be/Ntb8C7k1TnE
- SWFL Eagles ~ Foggy Morning Wake ups ~ Harriet Preening On OCT; M Grabs Moss 11.9.17 https://youtu.be/aoKz3Mh5M54
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet’s Hormones Are Crazy At Midnight 11.10.17 https://youtu.be/ys19GVn9RLg
- SWFL Eagles ~ Intruder Alert ~ Follows Harriet & M Back To Nest 11.10.17 https://youtu.be/rA79DrdvNW4
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet ~ You Are So Beautiful 11.9.17 https://youtu.be/–QTaWfz-fI
- SWFL Eagles ~ A Small Fish For Breakfast; Harriet Shows Dominance 11.11.17 https://youtu.be/hjMPvv0SNB4
- SWFL Eagles ~ It’s My Hormones Again ~ Bonding, Kicks, Stick Delivery & Closeups 11.11.17 https://youtu.be/bVOz4WkquvU
- SWFL Eagles ~ Two More Fish For Harriet; Nesting Material & More Dominance 11.11.17 https://youtu.be/Vm6WZCWhsuY
- SWFL Eagles ~ Morning Activities ~ Surf & Turf Deliveries, Bonding & Feaking 11.12.17 https://youtu.be/Chbl4KijB20
- SWFL Eagles ~ Young Juvie Visitor Flies By Nest Tree ~ Might Be E9 w/ SLO MO 11.12.17 https://youtu.be/22DCbGjs764
- SWFL Eagles ~ Juvie Visitor Returns Again w/ SLO MO 11.13.17 https://youtu.be/6SoW5foHg4Y
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- One Mating-Two Love Taps-Stick On The Fly & A Great Carry Back 11-07-17 https://youtu.be/0H7crY92g8Y
- M Adds Bigger Sticks~H Rescues Some Moss~Mating-Beaks-Love Tap 11-08-17 https://youtu.be/4RsMO1tlJbM
- M Adds Nest Material This Foggy AM~H Adds A Pine Bough~Mating 11-09-17 (reverse role mating) https://youtu.be/-DoiSf4K0cA