E10 and E11 are awake and active at first light, filled with renewed energy and curiosity. There is a twinkle in their eyes as they wonder where their next flight will take them. Then in a flash, they are off to wander to new places. They have been observed soaring high up in the thermals to areas beyond the pasture. They have discovered Yonder Pond across the road where they can perch in peace from the pesky crows. It has been a challenge to keep up with these thrill-seeking Juveniles. E10 and E11 are sharpening their skills and abilities and are becoming well equipped with all that is necessary to survive on their own. They got their “Eagle” on when E11 fiercely defended the nest from Juvenile Eagles flying through the territory and flushed out a sub-adult Eagle that landed in the nest tree. E10 remained on the snag tree branch with their food secure from the intruders.
Harriet and M15 continue to educate and encourage E10 and E11 in the ways of Eagle life allowing them their independence but also stepping in when needed. Dad spent an afternoon at the pond with E10 and E11 showing them how to take a proper bath. M15 changed up the food deliveries landing at different places on the ground or a nearby snag tree causing E10 and E11 to work for their meal. Harriet remains in Mom mode as she watches over her young Raptors. She stayed close to offer support when windy weather moved through the area. Harriet never misses an opportunity to teach lessons, especially with food as she battles with E10 or E11 for their meal and finishes it off. Finding and keeping food will prove crucial to their survival. Most evenings E10 and E11 have perched alone as Mom and Dad roosted elsewhere within their view. E10 and E11 take in all the sights, sounds, comings and goings in their territory. They wander with courage and ease as Juvenile Eagles making their way to wonderful places. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Weekly Video Highlights
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
- SWFL Eagles ~ Fake Out ~ No Fish ~ Harriet To Attic ~ Hissy Fits 4.2.18 https://youtu.be/lXG9MVPZzMg
- SWFL Eagles ~ Pond Play, Closeups ~ E10 Does It Again, Put Stick On E11 4.2.18 https://youtu.be/xUqgtml4kcg
- SWFL Eagles ~ E10 Flies Across Street & Perches In Tree ~ E11 Soars The Skies 4.3.18 https://youtu.be/vrDr6QiyS9Q
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Maintains Control ~ Screaming E11; Tug-O-Fish; Family Together 4.3.18 https://youtu.be/5gsZcJTt98E
- SWFL Eagles ~ A Whale Of A Fish~ Both E’s Eat Their Fill & Play Tug-O-Fish 4.4.18 https://youtu.be/1baZDcaz3LA
- SWFL Eagles ~ E10~ Where’s the Strap? Checking Out The Cams! 4.4.18 https://youtu.be/HxW5k1Hb-u0
- SWFL Eagles ~ E10’s Wonky White Feather Gets Noticed & Preened 4.4.18 https://youtu.be/5S0q0_ppfAc
- SWFL Eagles ~ Dad Shows The Kids How To Take A Real Bath 4.5.18 https://youtu.be/t251zYRUfSI
- SWFL Eagles ~Bath Time ~ E10 Takes A Dip; E11 Finds A Stick At Pond 4.5.18 https://youtu.be/7iOV9JsL8XQ
- SWFL Eagles ~ E11 Flushes Out Sub Adult From Nest Tree 4.6.18 https://youtu.be/kuPWyw-3RSM
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Nabs A Duck But It Gets Away 4.6.18 https://youtu.be/R5vIE2PnZeI
- SWFL Eagles ~ E10 Eating On A Branch; E11 Joins + Closeups Of M15 4.6.18 https://youtu.be/fLcJKEwvLmw
- SWFL Eagles ~ Taking Flight ~ Both E’s Fly Across Street Near Yonder Pond 4.7.18 https://youtu.be/-MZRQSc3anI
- SWFL Eagles ~ E11 ~ Our Juvie Soaker Enjoying A Bath 4.8.18 https://youtu.be/ojg3qjm25Rw
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- I Am E11_I Soar Anywhere & Carry Everything 04-03-18 https://youtu.be/oH79O4HJmaA
- Both Fly With Purpose ‘Hunting’ Adults & Food~E11’s Fancy Stick Flights 04-05-18 https://youtu.be/uOiUyUMwWlU
- The E’s At Yonder Pond~A Rainbow~A Squirrel & Survival Skill Practice 04-08-18 https://youtu.be/m8m01gzV2Zo