Harriet and M15 continued their efforts in preparation for egg laying. As the time nears, their behaviors become more purposeful. Their closeness and bonding sessions are frequent and they are spending most of the overnight hours together on the nest tree. Large branches and sticks along with fluffy grasses are brought in making the nest solid and comfy. M15 likes to dig in and lie in the nest bowl to give it the softness test. Harriet observes from above and at times voices her approval. Her mood seems to have taken a very serious tone as she oversees all that goes on in their domain. A curious young sub adult Eagle flew by the nest tree almost wanting to stop by but Harriet and M15 sounded the alert vocals. Visitors to the area are being treated as threats and are warned or chased away. Harriet and M15 are a united force in defending their territory.
M15’s hunting abilities are evident as he changes up the menu with frequent food deliveries for Harriet who eagerly receives the meals. In a few short weeks, they will equally take on the care of offspring and Harriet will depend greatly on M15 whose hunting skills will prove invaluable when there are hungry beaks to feed. Harriet is determined in her goal to further her species. She is demanding in her expectations of M15. She relies on his loyalty to their family. M15 has dedicated himself to pleasing her as their commitment to each other grows day by day. Nest Notes by dadsjazz

Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- Multitasker M15 Flushes Hawks & Hunts The Pond While Gathering Sticks 10-24-18 http://bit.ly/2CF77cl
- The Stick That Got Away.. M15 Just Misses The Nest 10-26-18 http://bit.ly/2Pult6c
- Sunday AM Brings Mating Vocals & Displays, A Sub Adult & Owl?, Sticks & Hunting 10-28-18 http://bit.ly/2PZP6sQ
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
- SWFL Eagles ~ Beak To Beak ~ Nest Work & Tender Moments 10.22.18 http://bit.ly/2yXLUqv
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet’s Side Kick & Pond Visit ~ Watching & Tracking 10.22.18 http://bit.ly/2yx6C0T
- SWFL Eagles ~ Beautiful Harriet ~ Up Close & Personal 10.23.18 http://bit.ly/2SgdnMW
- SWFL Eagles ~ Fish Gift & Love In The Afternoon 10.23.18 http://bit.ly/2O45lTW
- SWFL Eagles ~ Power Couple Closeups ~ Harriet & M 10.24.18 http://bit.ly/2RflqZ0
- SWFL Eagles ~ Adorable Harriet & M ~ Closeups, Stick Delivery, Bonding & A Side Kick 10.25.18 http://bit.ly/2CGRi4B
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Eats Racing Pigeon & Swallows Leg Band 10.26.18 https://bit.ly/2OercbC
- SWFL Eagles ~ Alert Vocals, Footing, Harriet Closeups & Stick Delivery 10.28.18 http://bit.ly/2Jmakif
- SWFL Eagles ~ Opossum Brunch For Two ~ Harriet & M Share 10.28.18 http://bit.ly/2JqV4AI
Video by Uta Große. (captured from SWFEC cameras)
- BE H&M/10-24-18/ 18:05 Great close up Harriet&M15 http://bit.ly/2PoBpXm