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Weekly Nest Notes: Anticipating New Life

Harriet and M15 worked throughout the week as a well-timed team, taking turns for constant incubation of their two perfect Eggs. M15 added grasses, moss, and straw to the nest to keep their Eggs cushioned and toasty warm.  Both continually aerate around the Eggs, fluffing up the bowl and roll the Eggs keeping them evenly incubated. They settle into the bowl with a shimmy allowing the Eggs to be placed under them for maximum contact. Harriet and M15 use the utmost care with their precious Eggs as they approach them lightly touching them with curled talons and moving them gently with their mighty beaks. It is heartwarming to see Harriet and M15 exhibit such tenderness with their priceless Eggs.

Harriet and M15 both had time off the nest to perch, preen and possibly to hunt for their own meals. M15 delivered a fish to the nest and Harriet ate with excitement and appreciation. She took a refreshing bath in their pond and spent time drying off on a nearby snag. Harriet and M15 found moments to perch together and engaged in occasional bonding. They are dedicated to each other but they are completely tuned into their commitment to protect and care for their Eggs and the future of their family. Harriet and M15 spend many selfless hours patiently incubating and watching all that goes on in the territory. 

In about a month they will hopefully realize the success of all their hard work. The journey up to now has been special to observe and the anticipation of welcoming new life in the nest is growing. 

Nest Notes by dadsjazz. Header Photo by Sharon Dunne.


Ground Video by wskrsnwings

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Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)

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