Harriet and M15 execute perfectly timed exchanges almost like a dance as one leaves the nest and the other arrives. They have become an efficient incubating team. There were a few cooler evenings and breezy days over the week that required continual brooding of their Eggs. It may seem as if those hours spent on the nest are tedious ones but Harriet and M15 instinctively time the moments they rise up to roll the Eggs keeping the developing Chicks at an even temperature. M15 delivered beak and talons full of grasses and moss to the nest and they each work the new materials in making the nest bowl fluffy and fresh. He also brought a large air plant for Harriet which provided many hours of entertainment for them moving it from place to place as they incubated.

Harriet and M15 are on constant watch and sound the alert to any unwanted passers-by. They make their presence known to the neighboring Eagle pair. Many times when Harriet and M15 fly off to the boundaries of their territory they cause a scattering of egrets and other birds in their flight plan. At other times they have been observed soaring the skies with vultures and wood storks. M15 delivered fish and a squirrel for Harriet which she devoured quickly as he incubated. M15 was observed eating on one of the snag trees and arrived at the nest tree another evening sporting a very well filled crop. More food will be delivered to the nest as hatching time nears. The halfway mark to Eaglets is just about here. Harriet and M15 carry on in their duties effectively with their goal of producing healthy offspring on the horizon. Nest Notes by dadsjazzHeader Photo: Lovely Harriet taking time to preen. (Sharon Dunne)
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- Shared Incubation Duties & H “Shouts Orders” As M Flies By The Nest 11-27-18 http://bit.ly/2zqRq60
- Every Birdy’s Quite Vocal This AM – Harriet, M15 & A Hawk 11-30-18 http://bit.ly/2QvfKxo
- M15 Incubates While Harriet Is Away~A Hawk Hunts In The Area 12-03-18 http://bit.ly/2FWTjNB
Video by Anja Edelman (captured from SWFEC cameras)
- Lots of sunset activities 11-27-18 https://bit.ly/2PXcwmN
- Fish lunch 11-28-18 https://bit.ly/2Ru6vKQ
- COG (changing of the guard) 11-28-18 https://bit.ly/2P9A8PY
- H & M both enjoying some time in the snag tree 11/29/2018 http://bit.ly/2PaHTVO
- A break at the pond and OCT for Harriet 11/30/18 https://bit.ly/2Si7bD6
- 12/2/18 Harriet soaring the sky.. http://bit.ly/2QsqEE7
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
- SWFL Eagles ~ Vultures Soaring The Skies 11.25.18 https://bit.ly/2FSr9D4
- SWFL Eagles ~ Double Grass Delivery By M ~ Eggs, Shift Changes & Alerts 11.26.18 https://bit.ly/2TOHrQw
- SWFL Eagles ~ A Fish Gift For Harriet 11.27.18 https://bit.ly/2E177Vd
- SWFL Eagles ~ Eating On The Snag ~ M Brings In Bromeliad Air Plant 11.27.18 http://bit.ly/2RkcrpX
- SWFL Eagles ~ Moss & A Fish ~ M15’s On A Roll 11.28.18 https://bit.ly/2DQ5FEr
- SWFL Eagles ~ Beak Bling, Bonding & Beautifying Nest ~ Air Plant On The Move 11.28.18 https://bit.ly/2TSOXtz
- SWFL Eagles ~ M Lands On Harriet’s Wing ~ Harriet Closeups & Last Shift Change 11.28.18 https://bit.ly/2P46Py9
- SWFL Eagles ~ M’s Very Impressive ManCrop 11.29.18 https://bit.ly/2P9zUbt
- SWFL Eagles ~ Beautiful Sunrise At The Nest; More Grass Deliveries & H & M On Snag 11.29.18 https://bit.ly/2Qr0t0t
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet is the Queen of Preen 11.30.18 http://bit.ly/2Rnl4jj
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Delivers A Squirrel ~ Harriet Swallows Pelt 12.1.18 https://bit.ly/2DX0zpN
- SWFL Eagles ~ It’s All About Those Eggs ~ Beautiful Closeups 12.1.18 http://bit.ly/2SmIc1J
- SWFL Eagles ~ POND CAM IS LIVE AGAIN ~ Harriet & M Fly In & Out 12.2.18 http://bit.ly/2UaCD88