E12 and E13 have an impressive list of accomplishments and continue honing their instincts and practicing lessons learned. They have become formidable forces as they display their strength and fierceness defending their territory from intruders, mock fighting for their own space and protecting their food from each other and Mom and Dad. They flew with great precision around the pasture and pond chasing all the birds there while practicing the hunt.
Each day presents new challenges in Eagle life. Harriet and M15 seemed to lessen the food deliveries to the immediate area over the week. This could be a sign that they want E12 and E13 to follow them to their hunting and fishing grounds. Perching at Yonder Pond with the Adults and exploring areas beyond the territory allows them to observe the art of the hunt. Learning that food is not readily available and taking all opportunities finding a meal is the most important lesson of all. Mom and Dad both delivered food for their clever Juveniles to reward their progress.
The Eagle Family roosted together on the Old Cam Tree and in the nest tree overnight through the week. Each departed early to their favorite places in the area. E12 and E13 perched on a snag by the pond surveying the pasture. They made an occasional swoop around the pond and pasture fending off being buzzed by the pesky birds. E12’s keen eye spied a flurry of grackles on the ground, made a beeline to the action and escaped with a catch. E12 flew off and away to defend the prize and enjoy the meal. The impressive achievement reinforced the lessons of opportunity and method for a successful hunt. They have watched Harriet and M15 flush out the egrets in their effort to catch one. E12 and E13 will build upon all imprinting and instincts on their quest for survival in their expeditions through Eagle life. Nest Notes by dadsjazz

Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- Beak2Talon Food Transfers~Branch Acrobatics~Walk On The Drive~Surprise Steal By M 04-08-19 http://bit.ly/2I8h7ye
- E12 Hunts By Ground/Air/Fence~Great Pasture Flights By Both 04-10-19 http://bit.ly/2GfSFsx
- Lots Of Vocals But No Food~Beaks & Wings~E12 Hops Pond Pylons 04-12-19 http://bit.ly/2X5QMnS
- The E’s Are Vocal & Perch Separately~E13 Flies About – Hunting 04-14-19 http://bit.ly/2IiM3f5
Video by Lady Hawk (from SWFEC cameras)
- SWFL Eagles ~ 5 Eagles In Nest Tree ~ M15 Flushes Out Visitor 4.9.19 http://bit.ly/2G7LcdY
- SWFL Eagles ~ E12 Pretty Bloomers ~ Almost Gets Blown Overboard ~ Spat Afterwards With E13 4.9.19 http://bit.ly/2GfDsHQ
- SWFL Eagles ~ E12 Upside Down & Chasing Ducks ~ Both E’s Soaring The Skies 4.10.19 http://bit.ly/2Kw0gHA
- SWFL Eagles ~ E12 Warrior Princess In Hot Pursuit ~ Chases & Flushes Out Egret From Pond 4.10.19 http://bit.ly/2UcPiGD
- SWFL Eagles ~ Double Fish Delivery By M ~ Both E’s Get A Fish! 4.13.19 https://bit.ly/2DfL779
- SWFL Eagles ~ E12 CATCHES BABY GRACKLE ON GROUND!!! 4.14.19 https://bit.ly/2IEjrwt