Harriet and M15 eased their way into a new Nesting Season after their time off with restored energy, renewing their bond and reinforcing their growing nest. M15 has become a master builder, finding the perfect stick and nest material to add in just the right places with Harriet’s approval, of course. Harriet’s days have been spent closer to home watching, preening, and waiting to see what gems M15 will fly in with. His discoveries include large sticks, fluffy moss or grass, an air plant, and food gifts for Harriet. Their tasks are ongoing as they work together in preparation for their future family.

Harriet depends on M15 and he takes on more responsibilities as her devoted partner. Their bond is solid and secure. They have had a territorial dispute with the stealthy owls and appear to have fended them off for now. M15 stood watch and Harriet protected their nest in the overnight hours. Harriet called out as she perched in the nest tree throughout the day to let all know that she is there and in charge. M15 soared the skies over the territory keeping watchful eyes on everything.
The coming weeks will reveal the fruits of all Harriet and M15 have accomplished. They savor moments of quiet and rest as they wait for their new arrivals. They will soon be in full force in their tireless roles of dedicated parents to a new generation of Eagles. Nest Notes by dadsjazz.
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- H & M Aren’t Done Yet.. Sticks & Grasses Galore & Two Matings 11-07-19 http://bit.ly/2NOJ4LY
Video by Lady Hawk (from SWFEC cameras)
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Sporting Cute Feather Nose Bling 10.31.19 https://bit.ly/2C0k92A
- SWFL Eagles ~ GORGEOUS Closeups Of Harriet On Pylon! Anhinga Makes Cameo Appearance! 10.31.19 https://bit.ly/2qWDBuy
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet & M Just *Horsing* Around at The Pond! Cattle Egrets Adorn OCT! 10.31.19 https://bit.ly/2CeHRZ3
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet & M Bring In Long Sticks Of Moss ~ Nest Looking Super Soft! Ready For Eggs!! 11.1.19 https://bit.ly/34s2UDt
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet’s Super SLOMO Takeoff & Rousing! Gobbles Fish!! 11.2.19 http://bit.ly/2C6ED9A
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Gets Startled – Knocks Into Branch Before Flying Off! 11.3.19 http://bit.ly/2PIPPS7
- SWFL Eagles ~ *MAJESTIC* Harriet Windsurfing!! A Special Evening For Our Power Couple! XOXO http://bit.ly/34ruNvc
- SWFL Eagles ~ *MAGNIFICENT* M15 Flies Past The Cam! Harriet Gives Her Honey The Foot! SLOMO! 11.5.19 https://bit.ly/2WTCcRA
- SWFL Eagles ~ **Sun-kissed Harriet** Gorgeous Closeups Of Mom-To-Be ~ Sidekick Action! 11.8.19 https://bit.ly/2K6lcT3