Harriet and M15 start each new Season with their sights set on adding to the Eagle population. Despite all their efforts, an unexpected turn of events resulted in the sudden loss of their beloved Eaglet E14 and an unhatched Egg 2. Just when it seemed to be an end to the Season, Harriet and M15 showed a renewed interest in beginning again. In a Season 8 reboot, their efforts were successful and Harriet did indeed lay Egg 3 and another wonderful addition, Egg 4.

Harriet and M15 made a smooth transition back into family raising mode without missing a beat. They display endless energy in defending the home front, keeping any intruders at bay. They have perfect patience while incubating precious Egg 3 and Egg 4 as they both look to be completely content spending many hours doing what they do best.
Harriet and M15 are exceptionally devoted to each other and determined in their rolls tending to their cherished charges. Season 8 will be delayed by a few months but time is of no concern to Harriet and M15. Their instinctive drive is to live their lives with the goal of procreation. Their unwavering unity allows them to fulfill their ultimate purpose. Nest Notes by dadsjazzHeader photo SWFEC camera
Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- A Sub Adult Encounter ~ H&M Protect & Defend Their Nest & Eggs 02-27-20 https://youtu.be/rQKRHL6HvvQ
Video by JCsEagleCottage (from SWFEC cameras)
- Sun 02/23/20. SWFL Eagles.. Taking a break from incubation, mating/bonding, close up of egg & Mom-H.. https://youtu.be/FubXNeIcWvg
- Tuesday 02/25/2020 SWFL Eagles.. Funny M jumps over H in a attempt to mate.. https://youtu.be/9nG_e8uyH7E
- Tuesday Feb 25 2020..SWFL Eagles.. Congrats to H&M on the second egg of second clutch this season 8.. https://youtu.be/bYu4ggUb_pU
- Wed 2/26/2020 SWFL Eagles.. Dad incubating 2 eggs, with mom in snag tree and sub-adult in other snag. https://youtu.be/wVsekajhkxo
Video by Lady Hawk (from SWFEC cameras)
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings Harriet A Large Headless Fish In Celebration Of Egg #3!! 2.23.20 https://youtu.be/at7Qn32s1a0
- SWFL Eagles ~ A NEW BEGINNING! Close-ups Of Harriet, M15 & Egg #3! Mating On Attic Branch 2.23.20 https://youtu.be/N_mPrrQbm88
- SWFL Eagles ~ HARRIET LAYS EGG #4 Tonight! It’s Another Miracle! Congratulations!! 💕💕 💕 2.25.20 https://youtu.be/o9a4ZSuKPgA
- SWFL Eagles ~ Mating Mayhem! M Jumps Over Harriet; She Foots Him! Hormones Are Raging! SLOMO 2.25.20 https://youtu.be/qyHrVBCERqw
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 SEES Egg #4 For FIRST TIME! Gorgeous Views Of Eggs! 2.26.20 https://youtu.be/j32Bnoa5wB4
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Puts Grasses On Harriet ~ Gets Egg Time! Close-ups Of Egg #3 & Egg #4! 2.28-20 https://youtu.be/mKlkdeyHdIE
- SWFL Eagles ~ Beautiful Harriet Taking Care Of Her Precious Cargo! Views Of Eggs! 3.1.20 https://youtu.be/6H4RDgV1Vao