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Weekly Nest Notes: Growing in Greatness

E15 & E16 seem to while away the hours relaxing in the shade of the moss-covered trees at the pond. Harriet and M15 are usually perching somewhere cool and peaceful re-energizing and readying themselves for a new Season.  Instead, they are still providing for their grown babies.  E15 and E16 have flourished under the care of their dedicated parents. They have excelled in learning and have honed their many instincts over the months. Their goal now is to take those skills along with them when they are ready to navigate and experience the world on their own.

E15 and E16 are adept at cues for mealtime and search the skies for an incoming food drop. Some of the battles between them to claim the meal have been long and hard-fought. They will encounter much more competition in their journey and opportunities to eat may be few and far between. As hunger increases, their level of fierceness becomes more intense in the struggle to get and keep a meal. Their abilities will prove invaluable to be victorious in this most important lesson.

Harriet and M15 are winding down this extended Season realizing their ultimate purpose. With patient resolve, they have successfully reared these 2 bright and enthusiastic Juvenile Eagles. Harriet and M15 have invested countless hours imparting to them the ways of Eagle life. When E15 and E16 decide to heed the call of the wild they will fare well throughout their journeys to greatness. Nest Notes by dadsjazz

Video Highlights

Ground Video by wskrsnwings

Video by JCsEagleCottage

Video by Lady Hawk

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