Harriet and M15 traditionally are just returning from their Summer break after a Season of raising their offspring. They reunite, renew their bond, and begin the process of working on their nest for the upcoming nesting Season. The 2019/2020 Nesting Season has been extended and has been one of twists and turns. Harriet and M15 withstood many tests that come with Eagle life and faced adversity with courage and resilience. They dealt with the sudden loss of their priceless Eaglet E14 and nonviable Egg 2 with determination to continue their legacy. Harriet and M15 rebooted the Season, proceeded to lay another clutch of eggs, and presented E15 and E16 to the world.

Harriet and M15 exemplify the dedication of Eagle parents as they nurture their young. They will endure many hardships to ensure the proliferation of their species. They protect, defend, and impart their knowledge of Eagle Life to their young. E15 and E16 have been reared by the best and Harriet and M15 have invested countless hours preparing them for their future places in the realm of Eagles.
Harriet and M15’s vacation will be a short one since the next nesting Season begins in October. This Season has been an interesting one at that. E16 embarked on their life’s journey soaring off into the South East skies. E15 has decided to linger for a while longer not quite ready to begin their life of discovery. Eagle parents keep up the care as long as their offspring remain in the territory. M15 continues to deliver a meal for E15 as Eagle Dads will provide food more so than Eagle Moms. Harriet, M15, and E15 have been observed perching in the pasture trees and other areas and roosting together overnight in the nest tree. As of this writing, E15 is still in the territory and seems content to watch the skies for Mom or Dad for now. The many surprises of this Season may keep coming as the saga continues. Nest Notes by dadsjazz.
Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- E15 Is Still Here ‘Loud & Clear’ With Mom By Yonder Pond 08-12-20 https://youtu.be/0JrK2K5x0Eg
- E15 Stays In The Pasture This AM Visiting All The Familiar Places 08-14-20 https://youtu.be/125Rd_aNxxc
- E15.. Beautiful & Intense, Perching/Watching The Area For Hours 08-17-20 https://youtu.be/vMhsruPgb00
Video by JCsEagleCottage
- Monday 8/10/2020~SWFL Eagles.. E15 soaring until out of sight.. https://youtu.be/ztzXf3QJQU4
- Tuesday 8/11/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Calling it the day.. 😊 https://youtu.be/iYJr_nf8tIo
- Wednesday 8/12/2020~SWFL Eagles.. E15 back to nest tree, and to construction site.. 😊 https://youtu.be/uqjmk6dFfCQ
- Wednesday 8/12/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Another night without the kids.. 💖😊 https://youtu.be/CnfM6D7R5lg
- Thursday 8/13/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Beautiful E15 during golden hour.. 💖😊 https://youtu.be/x5xqfQsS-jA
- Thursday 8/13/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Harriet & M enjoying a nice spa together.. 💖😊 https://youtu.be/GsvMkRU8vfU
- Friday 8/14/2020~SWFL Eagles.. E15 loves the pond.. https://youtu.be/m2NSjQF0sVk
- Saturday 8/15/2020~SWFL Eagles.. E15 mantles and vocalizes at mom and dad.. 💖 https://youtu.be/p1ZjM1_WRAk
- Sunday 8/16/2020~SWFL Eagles.. SWEET Eagle dreams beautiful family.. 😊💖 https://youtu.be/jRuFL-LEWdU
- Sunday 8/16/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Mom with a catfish at the pond.. 😊 https://youtu.be/xZFTbdfJFSg
- Sunday 8/16/2020~SWFL Eagles.. E15 joins mom at the pond for fish leftovers.. https://youtu.be/NEsnnl9jEEY
Video by Lady Hawk
- (E15 returns aft this) SWFL Eagles ~ E15’s Epic Departure Soaring High Into Clouds 💕 Music Presentation ABBA Eagle 8.10.20 https://youtu.be/-vBOnvtukv4
- SWFL Eagles ~ Most Amazing Delivery EVER! M15 Brings Egret To Nest, Ground & Branch For E15! 8.11.20 https://youtu.be/fIfaiKw_Bk0
- SWFL Eagles ~ E15 Returns! Magnificent Flight & Heraldic Pose! Claims & Eats Fish On Ground! 8.12.20 https://youtu.be/KbgVr6jE6eM
- SWFL Eagles ~ Gorgeous Sunset Glow On E15 & Her Wonky Feather! Spending The Night On Attic 💕 8.13.20 https://youtu.be/uusPUQM0pkk
- SWFL Eagles ~ Romantic Dual Bath At Pond For M15 & Harriet! E15 Screams From The Nest! 8.13.20 https://youtu.be/Ej14EAb9hEg
- SWFL Eagles ~ E15 Spending The Morning At The Pond! Playing & Having Fun! 8.14.20 https://youtu.be/giAhWE3NzMA
- SWFL Eagles ~ E15 STILL HERE!! Flying Around Pasture & Soaring High Across Street! 💕 8.14.20 https://youtu.be/kmZTh34TfxM
- SWFL Eagles ~ E15 Visits The Attic! Is Not Ready To Leave Yet! 💕 8.15.20 https://youtu.be/aRa17BmYAgM
- SWFL Eagles ~ E15 Flies In From Across Street! Mantles & Screams At Mom & Dad! 8.15.20 https://youtu.be/jxasE3Ah7lY
- SWFL Eagles ~ The Chase! E15 Finds & Follows M15 To Nest & Claims Fish! 8.16.20 https://youtu.be/aDw9i-Ugy7g
- SWFL Eagles ~ Family Time On The Attic! 💕 E15 Arrives Vocal At Sunset – Joins Mom & Dad! 💕 8.16.20 https://youtu.be/t8CIUxA6VPY