Harriet and
M15 continue building a secondary nest in the West pasture. Harriet seems to be
on a mission and has been bringing more than her share of sticks and
materials for Nest 2. It is not unusual for Eagles to build alternate nests in
their territory for various reasons. Relocating may have been spurred by E15,
now a little over 7 months old, staying in the area. The time for laying Eggs
is approaching, and Harriet remains focused on readying a nest for the event.
Harriet will make the ultimate choice between the two nests for the home to a
new generation of Eaglets.
Harriet and
M15 perched in their main nest tree throughout the day. They have been roosting
in a front pine trees with both nests in view. M15’s food deliveries may have
been meant for Harriet, but E15 is right on the spot to vie for the meal. It
has been a rare opportunity to observe E15 engage in behaviors that first-year
Juvenile Eagles practice in the wild. E15 swooped down into the pond after a
fish or to chase the Great Blue Heron to steal their fish. E15 ended up in the
water and did the Eagle “swim” back to the bank. E15 is developing greater survival skills. E15 defended the territory, chasing a Sub-Adult Eagle
that landed at the pond bank. E15 has ventured into the West pasture where Nest
2 is under construction. Harriet and M15 have not chased or warned E15 away
from either nest.
Harriet and
M15 remain true to their purpose of propagating their species. The Family unit
is expanded with E15’s presence. Harriet
and M15 will persevere and succeed in whatever path they choose. Making their
future family a priority has not deterred them from interactions with E15.
Their dedication to their offspring is unwavering. The role E15 will play in
this equation remains a mystery as the saga continues. Nest Notes by dadsjazz.
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- H & M Are Busy At New Nest ~ E15 Lunges At M15 In Old Nest 10-26-20 https://youtu.be/pMJ4jKNxoIo
New Nest Building~ E15 ‘Mobs’ M15 & Stick At Old Nest~ E15 & The Steeple 10-29-20 https://youtu.be/tUO072NHqXc
Breakfast At Old Nest ~E15 Is Seen In New Nest ~H & M Keep Building 11-02-20
Video by JCsEagleCottage
- Monday 10/26/2020~SWFL Eagles.. 15 & 15 both going for leftovers to the nest..:) https://youtu.be/PtFpzMeA7ys
Monday 10/26/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Long story short..
https://youtu.be/GHlAdVYWrhQ -
Tuesday 10/27/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Mom & dad between feeding E15 and building their new nest.. 😊 https://youtu.be/XgDVNjnk-sA
Wed 10/28/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Oops, E15 missing out on the fish dad brought in.. 😝 https://youtu.be/KGeVOGEQlPU
Thursday 10/29/2020~SWFL Eagles.. E15 between church cross and nest tree.. 😊 https://youtu.be/DJTzPeZ9-bQ
- Thursday 10/29/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Dad with roadkill, they all get their share.. 😊 https://youtu.be/1LFq0raE79U
Friday 10/30/2020~SWFL Eagles.. E15 end up swimming after “trying” to catch a fish from the pond..:) https://youtu.be/tbMMCksgX2g
Friday 10/30/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Alive fish for E14.. 😊 https://youtu.be/-ocuhjes0lQ
Sunday 11/01/2020~SWFL Eagles.. E15 doesn’t like her Sub Adult visitor at the pond.. https://youtu.be/21O988fXmgE
Video by Lady Hawk
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Sneaks In To Eat Nestovers! E15 Chases Out! Bath & Playtime At Pond For E15 10.26.20 https://youtu.be/eQt6HESY2PY
SWFL Eagles ~Owl ATTACKS & HITS Harriet On OCT! H & M Fly Back To Nest To Defend & Protect 10.26.20 https://youtu.be/vOvilunZIfU
SWFL Eagles ~ Cute Feather Bling Harriet Brings A Stick! Beautiful Closeups Mom & Mini Me E15 10.26.20 https://youtu.be/krO5Kyc4-T0
SWFL Eagles ~ E15 Just Horsing Around Playing At Stables & Water Trough!! 😊 🐎 10.27.20 https://youtu.be/f_hFoMqz9Go
SWFL Eagles ~ Two’s Company Three’s A Crowd! E15 CRASHES The Party 😂 Harriet Gives M Her Foot 10.27.2020 https://youtu.be/st3aEBJFrAw
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Gets To Eat A WHOLE FISH On Nest! 🐟 😊 E15 Is A NO SHOW!! 😊 10.28.20 https://youtu.be/yZNNcg127as
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet & M15 ~ Nestorations & Mating! 💕 💕 Love Is In The Air! 10.29.20 https://youtu.be/wsPK6ObCuT4
SWFL Eagles ~ E15 On Church Steeple 💕 A Promise Lives Within You! Special Music Presentation 10.29.20 https://youtu.be/ofqEvBfVG7U
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Delivers Roadkill Rabbit For Harriet! Bon Appetit Mom! 😊 10.29.20 https://youtu.be/gXAgPEpOKSY
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Is Hungry! Watches & Waits To Try & Steal Roadkill Rabbit From E15 😊 10.29.20 https://youtu.be/B17tGlBLjB4
SWFL Eagles ~ E15 Having Fun Playing With Cam Housing! Sits On Fence & Roosts Close to Mom & Dad 💖💕 10.29.20 https://youtu.be/9AHPKAET7Mw
SWFL Eagles ~ E15 GOES FISHING! 🐟Dives In Water & Swims! Perches On Steeple, Lays In Nest! 10.30.20 https://youtu.be/lTQKFZoHKgE
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings In A Whole Fish! 🐟 E15 Eats Some & Then Flies Off Nest With It 10.30.20 https://youtu.be/j6mMMGqF00E
SWFL Eagles ~ E15 CHASES Off A Sub Adult Visitor At The Pond! 😊 11.1.20 https://youtu.be/4GppR_0lCpM
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Show Dominance & Foots M15 Twice! 😊 Visitor Flies Overhead! 11.1.20 https://youtu.be/w2Qdi9GvYz8