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Weekly Nest Notes: The Path Forward

Harriet and
M15 begin each Nesting Season with new challenges to navigate. They solidify
their bond to each other and prepare to raise a new family. One major
difference this year has been the presence of E15, their offspring from last
Season. Harriet and M15’s  instincts to
care for their young were intermixed with their desire to move toward their
goal.  E15 was last seen in the area on
November 2, 2020, and may have embarked on a path forward to explore life away
from the comforts of home.

Harriet and
M15 have a strong connection to their original nest and tree. They stop there
in the early mornings before flying off to the West pasture snag.  Great strides have been made on Nest 2 as
they worked in more sticks and nest materials. They drop in at their original
nest tree from time to time to check the nest, perch for a while, and watch the
territory. Harriet brought a fish and enjoyed a peaceful lunch as M15 looked on
from the attic. They have made quick visits at dusk before flying to a front
pine tree for the night.

Harriet and
M15 remain protective of both nests. As the time for laying eggs approaches,
there is no clear answer to which nest they will choose. Earlier in the week,
it appeared that they were on the lookout for E15 to arrive at the nest. As it
is in Eagle life, they seem to accept that E15 may well have moved on. They can
rest in the knowledge that they reared a remarkable Juvenile Eagle. With more
work to be accomplished, Harriet and M15 continue on their path forward with
determination and purpose.  Nest Notes by

Weekly Video Highlights

Ground Video by wskrsnwings

Video by JCsEagleCottage

Video by Lady Hawk

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