Harriet and
M15 have been on a steady pace constructing a secondary nest. Over the seasons,
Harriet has taken sticks to a tree in the West pasture. This Season, she added
a substantial amount there, and a proper nest began to take shape. Since the
Female Eagle rules the roost, M15 joined her in the Nest 2 project. Harriet’s
interests now seem to be on the original nest prompting M15 to turn his sights
there. Harriet enjoyed fish and opossum meals she brought to the nest and also the
gifted breakfast rabbit M15 delivered to her later in the week. M15 began
adding larger sticks and grasses to the nest as Harriet supervised his work. Their
renewed focus on the original nest makes its use look inviting and promising.
Harriet and
M15 defended the territory from night flying owls and other visitors. The week
closed on an exciting note when 3 Eagles entered the pasture and nest. A 2-year
old and 4-year Sub-Adult competed for leftovers on the nest. Harriet chased the
older of the two out of the area and flew back to the nest to run the youngster
off. Another Sub-Adult landed at the
pond near Harriet and M15, and they all just looked at each other. Two of the
traveling beauties perched in the nest tree with Harriet and M15 on alert. M15
escorted the curious visitors out of the area in the morning. These events may
prompt Harriet and M15 to stay with their valuable real estate.
Harriet and
M15 have given us a glimpse into their lives. There are many thoughts and
speculations about what they may or may not do.
They have proven time and time again that everything is on Eagle time. What
is known for sure is they are an unfailing team committed to perpetuating their
species. Frequent mating indicates that Eggs may be on the way soon. Harriet
and M15 remain true to their path as they take on double duty, readying both
nests on their mission. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- Harriet & M15 Are Busy In Nest2~ Short Visits & A Stick to Nest1 11-17-20 https://youtu.be/NvIVFlz8QFA
Which Nest Will It Be? Sticks To Both Nests, H Tests Out Nest1 Bowl 11-20-20 https://youtu.be/LUSmxT2sXsw
Video by JCsEagleCottage
- Monday 11/16/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Mom-H hanging out with the little birds in original nest tree.. 😊 https://youtu.be/km22k1MJfqo
Tuesday 11/17/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Honey, let’s just use this nest for our babies.. 😊 https://youtu.be/MR9qgEsHH6g
Wed 11/18/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Spending some time together at original nest after sunset.. 😊 https://youtu.be/NbzXtmwCwE0
- Wed 11/18/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Harriet spending the night on original nest.. 😘 https://youtu.be/uXdIzgpB0dw
Thursday 11/19/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Intruder alert! M-dad flushes intruder out of nest tree.. 😯 https://youtu.be/pcKpOqQ9L7M
Thursday 11/19/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Busy morning, Harriet waking up on main nest, M bringing sticks.. 😊 https://youtu.be/ur3Qy1j-u80
Thursday 11/19/2020~SWFL Eagles.. M hanging out in the attic looking for his beautiful lady.. 😊 https://youtu.be/z6lWowZu5GA
Thursday 11/19/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Time for a well deserved spa! 😊 https://youtu.be/BwueOInWIOk
Friday 11/20/2020~SWFL Eagles.. M getting sticks for both nests while H is watching from attic.. 🦅 😊 https://youtu.be/6zmj3DUdmnI
Friday 11/20/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Harriet in with partial Opossum.. https://youtu.be/KPdzkKV0qlM
Friday 11/20/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Let’s call it the day.. 😊 https://youtu.be/hTtDuqN1rlY
Sat 11/21/2020~SWFL Eagles.. M delivering branches to main nest, close up of H, H casting a pellet.😊 https://youtu.be/uvF7dzeW0MI
Sunday 11/22/2020~SWFL Eagles.. More sticks, more moss, mammals and side kicks.. 😊 https://youtu.be/eSzuR-uUFlM
Sunday 11/22/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Juvenile Eagle joins young adult Eagle on main nest until M arrives. https://youtu.be/VWeTUAsWKRI
Video by Lady Hawk
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Chooses The Original Nest For Future Eggs🌹Just Needs To Convince Harriet 💕11.16.20 https://youtu.be/8FoDYAdMlKY
SWFL Eagles ~ Ride ‘Em Ride ‘Em Harriet! 😊 Classic Side Kick Foot Action! She Wants Eggs! 11.17.20 https://youtu.be/euvAxuECE2E
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Lies In The Nest Tonight! First Time This Season! Is She With Egg? 💕 💕 11.18.20 https://youtu.be/UJruwCmgv0I
- SWFL Eagles ~ Intruder Eagle Lands In Nest Tree & Wants Harriet’s Fish! M15 Flushes Out! 😊 11.19.20 https://youtu.be/4aCZq0pT4OI
SWFL Eagles~M Delivers Sticks & Fluff Getting Nest 1 Ready! 😊 AWESOME Soaring By Dad! 😊💕 11.19.20 https://youtu.be/NTDRr_rc3b8
SWFL Eagles ~ OWL ALERT!! Two GHO’s Close By Watching Harriet On Nest! 🐥🐥 11.20.20 https://youtu.be/kt_hbb9yPUI
SWFL Eagles ~ WOW!! Keep Those Sticks Coming! M15 Is On A Roll!! 8 Deliveries In An Hour! 😊 11.21.20 https://youtu.be/zm2KL8ZX3sc
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings More Sticks & Fluff 😊 Harriet Shows Dominance Jumping On M’s Back 11.22.20 https://youtu.be/yUJ-CiAYiaM
SWFL Eagles ~ A Sub Adult & Juvie Visit The Nest 😊 Multi-cam Views! Harriet Chases Off 11.22.20 https://youtu.be/gotNZMJdGfU
SWFL Eagles ~ All In The Family ~ It’s An EAGLE PALOOZA! 4 Eagles In The Nest Tree 😊 11.22.20 https://youtu.be/O2V9KBzvO1A