E17 and E18 are just over four weeks old and are growing at an incredible rate. They broke into the world as two fluffy little babies only inches tall and weighing a few ounces. They now work on strengthening their legs and balancing to stand upright. They are about a foot tall, weighing around 5 pounds, with a wingspan of close to 20 inches. Their feet and beaks will soon be adult size. Darker gray thermal down covers them, and juvenile feathers are emerging. Little tails are sprouting and are about 2 inches long. E18 is catching up to E17 in development, and both are strong and thriving.
Harriet and M15 provide for all the needs of their growing babies. Food items over the week were varied and plentiful. Although fish is the preferred choice, Eagles are opportunistic hunters and will take what is available. They also steal from other sources like Vultures and Ospreys. Roadkill, fresh catches, fish, and fowl were all seen delivered to the nest. The de-furring and de-feathering processes were watched intently by E17 and E18 as they waited to eat. They reached in for an occasional bite at a piece of the meal. They both have unique ways to get their share of the food, and they are succeeding. They learn valuable skills to survive in the nest that will carry through their lives in the wild.
Harriet and M15 keep careful watch over their precious Eaglets and protect them from all perceived threats. Overnight hours have seen the stealth flying owl continues to harass the adults. M15 has taken the brunt of the strikes, and Harriet protected her babies one night when the owl swooped the nest. The pesky owls protect what they think is their territory from the Eagles. Harriet and M15 meet this and all the challenges of Eagle life as a perfect team. They work in harmony to keep E17 and E18 growing safely and strongly day by day.
Nest Notes by dadsjazz.
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground video by wskrsnwings
H&M Are Busy Securing The Area & We Get Good Peeks Of The E’s 02-15-21 https://youtu.be/DiOYsWHdpB0
M15 A-OK After Owl Strike & Both Adults Deliver Food & Feed The E’s 02-18-21 https://youtu.be/Nd7tISknzmc
Video by JCsEagleCottage (captured from SWFEC cameras)
Mon 2/15/21~SWFL Eagles: Harriet brings in roadkill Cat. WARNING: Video can be hard to watch!! https://youtu.be/wtP9jO7LoGk
Mon 2/15/21~SWFL Eagles: Sleeping 23 days old Beauties.. 😍 https://youtu.be/MM6jVSvFcB8
Tues 2/16/21~SWFL Eagles: Casting pellet/Showing off wings & pin feathers/H with feather in her eye. https://youtu.be/DThBusge25w
Tue 2/16/21~SWFL Eagles: 3wks old: Clown feet/Playing with sticks/Walking on wings/Copying each other. https://youtu.be/bcf8q2i9uik
Wed 2/17/21~SWFL Eagles: That’s interesting stuff you just brought in, mom! Can we play with it.. https://youtu.be/LoKW3Ttwwjo
Wed 2/17/21~SWFL Eagles.. Moving sticks/Full Crops/E18 picking up some little pieces of food.. https://youtu.be/gPzHDpMliYw
Wed 2/17/21~SWFL Eagles: Beautiful & Proud Momma/Healthey & Happy growing E`7 & E18 with full crops. 😍 https://youtu.be/6FZAHKSNFYY
Thursday 2/18/21~SWFL Eagles: M got hit by an Owl, and ends up in the nest.. https://youtu.be/PCXqQWn_sfk
Thurs 2/18/21~SWFL Eagles: Fun palm tree sticks/Cute nose bling bling/Cooling off in the breeze.. 😘 https://youtu.be/V7wWgAWAqwI
Thurs 2/18/21~SWFL Eagles: Beautiful closeups of our almost 4 wks E’s/Wingersizing/Mom on high alert https://youtu.be/4PO-6eTkJrA
Fri 2/19/21~SWFL Eagles.. As the twig is bent the tree is inclined..One day I’ll fly like mom & dad. https://youtu.be/1ZSrSJven8w
Sat 2/20/21~SWFL Eagles: Poor mom got attacked by an Owl in her sleep! Luckily mom & the kids are ok https://youtu.be/U2jDDQaGQTU
Sat 2/20/21 ~SWFL Eagles: Dad brings home an alive rabbit, and mom comes home with a squirrel.. https://youtu.be/PhSuCbj9NPw
Sat 2/20/21~SWFL Eagles.. Extreme closeups of our 4 wks old E’s and mom.. ❤️ https://youtu.be/9ZOEd77V41Q
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ Entire Family On Nest! Long Marathon & Dual Feeding! Harriet & M15 Stuff The Kids! 💕 https://youtu.be/zqZmKGRlXfs
SWFL Eagles ~ Double E Cuteness! Getting Stronger! Wingers, Clown Feet, Pin Feathers & Pellet Cast 😊 https://youtu.be/69PdOCNqifQ
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Brings A Cat To Nest! Not A Stuffy! Warning Viewer Discretion Advised 2.15.21 https://youtu.be/502ab14ikU8
SWFL Eagles ~ Funny E17 Puts A Stick On E18’s Back..Just Because 😊 18 Does Limbo To Get Free 2.15.21 https://youtu.be/bMCZrz7FCvg
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet’s Awesome Flight To Nest! E18 Gets A GREAT LONG Feeding From Mom! 😊 2.16.21 https://youtu.be/NRpXo6VMFwU
SWFL Eagles ~Reflections Of Nest Tree In E17’s Eye 💕 M Brings In Both Live & Headless Fish! Bonding! https://youtu.be/avO2X1e5vV8
SWFL Eagles ~ Shhh.. E18 Topples Over Backwards! Don’t Tell Anyone! M On Veranda Hanging Four 2.17.21 https://youtu.be/L30sBHHEc6c
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Brings Big Blankie Of Moss/Pine! E’s Chase Her Round The Nest For Shade 2.17.21 https://youtu.be/xbw6HK2iMYo
SWFL Eagles ~ Adorable E’s Peeking Over The Rails! 💕 😊 Cam 2 Coverage With Mom! 2.17.21 https://youtu.be/v4VOH-xTbck
SWFL Eagles ~ Owl Strike! Knocks M15 Off Attic ~ Lands In Nest! Harriet Cries Out In Distress. 2.18.21 https://youtu.be/axMqzsuoBvI
SWFL Eagles ~ Daddy’s Little Helpers 😊 E’s Move & Play w/Palm Fronds~ Wingercising &Closeups2.18.21 https://youtu.be/bHuMCW7ygT0
SWFL Eagles ~ Messy Dad Stuffs The Kids! 😊 E18 Learns To Self Feed While Dad Watches! 💕 2.18.21 https://youtu.be/_M7h-5U7Ze8
SWFL Eagles ~ A BRAZEN Great Horned Owl ATTACKS Harriet On Nest! E17 Gets Knocked Over! 2.20.21 https://youtu.be/l8mHRJfoOOQ
SWFL Eagles ~ It’s A FOOD PALOOZA! 😊 🐟 Pantry Is Stocked With Fish, Rabbit, Squirrel & Egret 2.20.21 https://youtu.be/XQxufMPenEY
SWFL Eagles ~ M brings in Live Rabbit! Scares E17 into Submission! E18 Gets Great Feeding! 2.20.21 https://youtu.be/CEe42NSOIic
SWFL Eagles ~ Tandem Feeding & Teamwork 👍 H & M Are The BEST! Perfect Ending To The Day! 2.20.21 https://youtu.be/4mGRKArrTM4
SWFL Eagles ~ The Owl Strikes Again! Knocks M15 Off Outer Attic! Harriet & M Give Chase! 👍 2.21.21 https://youtu.be/MXPmZQw21f4