E17 and E18 stand confidently tall and exercise their stunning wings in the breeze. They teeter close to the edge and spend hours tracking all that happens around and beyond the nest tree. The nest becomes smaller as they approach adult size. Their sleek dark juvenile feathers have them so closely matched, a slight white fringe on E18’s tail can help tell them apart. In a flash of time, E17 and E18 have grown into impressive strong beauties.
Harriet and M15 introduce many different prey items, and E17 and E18 are more skillful at self-feeding. Their eagerness to get a share of the food increases with each delivery. E18’s quickness allows for grab and mantle, only to often lose the catch to E17. E18 musters up inner fierceness to get back in and vie the prize. Now is a time when stealing back and forth is encouraged and necessary. E17 engages in tug-o-war with Mom, who mostly prevails. Dad’s method is to drop the food and get out fast. E17 and E18 have each snagged some smaller items and tried to swallow them whole. Dad usually won’t attempt to take food away and lets E17 and E18 learn the value of getting to the food and eating it all.
E17 and E18 practice instinctive behaviors along with many lessons learned. They bravely command the nest throughout the day and sleep overnight under the watchful eyes of Mom and Dad. The discovery of the pesky owls nesting in West pasture could explain their frequent buzzing and harassment of Harriet and M15 under cover of darkness. The owls are striving to rear and protect their family. Harriet and M15 likewise provide security for E17 and E18 and have persevered throughout. Hope is for success as all families raise their young safely. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
A Morning Of Winging & Watching: Owl, Owlet & Sub-Adult Sightings 03-09-21 https://youtu.be/4Fp5btGTH6M
After Sunset & The Neighbor Owlets Are Winging/Branching/Eating 03-11-21 https://youtu.be/hbUCrtQZ5HA
The E’s & The O’s – Amazing To Watch Two Separate Raptor Species Grow 03-12-21 https://youtu.be/NKTwifa1aWs
Video by Lady Hawk (captured form SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ E17 & E18 Are SELF FEEDING! Dad KNEW They Were Ready & Does The Drop & Go! 😊💕😊 3.8.21 https://youtu.be/naiSP6Q_fgc
SWFL Eagles ~ Wingers & Cute Beaking! M Delivers A Bunny! Both Kids Self Feed No Need For Dad 3.9.21 https://youtu.be/erqBm2x9qlE
SWFL Eagles ~ M Delivers Big Whole Fish! E18 Mantles It! 🐟 Great Feeding & 18 Swallows Tail! 3.9.21 https://youtu.be/PbCI1mg9rzw
SWFL Eagles ~ Owl STRIKES Harriet & DRAGS Her To Edge Of Nest! Extreme Vocals! M Rushes To Protect! https://youtu.be/Bl_YaVyLz-Q
SWFL Eagles ~ It’s A Sticky Situation! 😊 Harriet & E18 Put A Timeout Stick On E17’s Back! 3.10.21 https://youtu.be/qpI5hFd2y60
SWFL Eagles ~ Stringy Squirrel-Ghetti For Breakfast! 😊 Both E’s Eat Side By Side! 3.10.21 https://youtu.be/b7V2nD6_WIU
SWFL Eagles ~ Another OWL Strike! Comes In Fast & Silent, Knocking M15 Off The Attic! 3.11.21 https://youtu.be/XfHuQ4TRbGs
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Brings In A New Toy ~ A Wonky Pine Branch! Kids Have Fun Playing w/ It 3.11.21 https://youtu.be/eq6Yv36f4SQ
SWFL Eagles ~ Wings On Display! E17’s Beautiful Heraldic Pose, Wingercising & Pin Feathers 💕 3.11.21 https://youtu.be/b6KfdrYupcU
SWFL Eagles ~Harriet Brings In Strange Meat UFO! E17 Mantles & Tries To Swallow WHOLE Thing! 3.12.21 https://youtu.be/WJMFyYIuzz0
SWFL Eagles ~ M Brings In Squirrel! E18 Mantles, Claims & SELF FEEDS! Both Kids Fed By Dad! 3.13.21 https://youtu.be/cIRY2Ff2gXk
SWFL Eagles ~ It’s an Epic Battle Of Wills! Tug-O-Pelt Between Harriet & Both E’s!! 😊 3.13.21 https://youtu.be/vx_wL0u7PcA
SWFL Eagles ~ Owl Strikes Harriet On Attic! E17 Standing Up In Nest At Time Of Strike! 3.13.21 https://youtu.be/O5BueQYa-_c
SWFL Eagles ~ The Many Handsome Faces Of M15! 💕😊💖 3.13.21 https://youtu.be/zuwQtoiJEXw
- SWFL Eagles ~ E18 BIG Mantle Over Prey! M Pulls Some Squirrel- Ghetti & Feeds To E17! 3.14.21 https://youtu.be/JLcedum9GyA