E17 and E18 are approaching their 10th week as incredible young raptors, breaking through many milestones along the way. They entered the world a few hours apart, overcame adversity in their beginning weeks, and are on a clear path to new experiences. Their sights aim upwards, and majestic wings give them lift as they fly hop around the nest. E17 made the first step from the nest to the veranda branch, looking comfortable while taking in the sights. E18 stepped up to the veranda the following day with ease and enjoyed the view. They are working up more strength and courage to reach new and higher perches.
E17 and E18 practice what they have learned and engage in instinctive behaviors. They are more independent and in charge of the nest now that Mom and Dad spend more hours away in the daytime. A beautiful sub-adult Eagle flew through and landed in the nest tree one afternoon. E18 went into full protect mode with a huge mantle of wings over the nest and E17. E18 kept eyes on the visitor and vocalized a warning with a great display of fierceness. Mom charged in and flushed the Eagle from the nest tree. The visitor then circled the pasture a few times on their way out of the territory.
Harriet and M15 encourage and stimulate E17 and E18 as they hone their skills and abilities. Self-feeding is now a common practice, and E18 becomes more assertive at keeping their prey. Many new items brought to the nest have sparked their interest. They dined on turtle for lunch together with Mom’s help eating the shell. They are also learning that there are days when food is scarce as it will be in the wild. Harriet and M15 are ensuring E17 and E18 are well prepared for success in their future adventures. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
8 Week Old E’s Encompass The Nest Winging and Carrying Nestovers 03-22-21 https://youtu.be/HjO_69daFy8
61 Day Old E’s Winging Higher & Faster~ Amazing To View From The Ground 03-25-21 https://youtu.be/gSFs5vmrX3Q
The E’s So Confident Atop The Rails Winging & Watching Their World 03-29-21 https://youtu.be/mUgXADD-XfU
Video by Lady Hawk
SWFL Eagles ~ E17 Reaching NEW HEIGHTS! Big Wingers, Hops & Hovering Above Nest 8 Weeks Old! 3.22.21 https://youtu.be/-ggb1tCyoxs
SWFL Eagles ~ Winging All Across The Nest! Getting Bolder & Braver In Wingercising! 💕😊 3.23.21 https://youtu.be/PuZORhA9whw
SWFL Eagles ~ M Brings More UFO Meat To Nest! 👍 E17 Mantles & Claims it ~ E18 Steals It! 3.23.21 https://youtu.be/y13HNx9gTqM
SWFL Eagles ~ Sub Adult Lands On Outer Attic! E’s Mantle & Squee! 😊 Harriet Flushes It Out! 3.24.21 https://youtu.be/qh5xRWIE598
SWFL Eagles ~ E17 Getting Big Air! Hops Over E18 Wingercising! Tail Closeups For Comparison 3.25.21 https://youtu.be/1nHz1D7OV-g
SWFL Eagles ~ E17 BRANCHES FIRST TIME To Veranda!! 62 Days Old!! 😊💕 3.26.21 https://youtu.be/OWyeLwEtBc4
SWFL Eagles ~ The Dynamic Duo! E18 Nibbles Gently On E17’s Wing! Gorgeous Heraldic Pose! 3.26.21 https://youtu.be/NxN9dsXxQh0
SWFL Eagles ~ E18 BRANCHES To Veranda First Time AT 63 Days Old! 💕 Congratulations!!! 3.27.21 https://youtu.be/4pOW31Iqs3k
SWFL Eagles ~ Mom Almost Flips E17 Over w/ HUGE Pine Branch! Impressive Wingercising By Both E’s 💕😊 https://youtu.be/5hYegS8oiCg