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Weekly Nest Notes: Exploring and Enjoying the Territory

E17 and E18 are expanding their boundaries as they explore new perches in the territory. With growing interest and curiosity, they dash off from place to place seeking new experiences. Many of their feats and adventures are in the early mornings and evenings. They rested in the hot afternoons among the shady trees in the West pasture. E18 took a farther flight to a tree where Harriet and M15 perch lazing away the afternoons.  E17 and E18 enjoy the comforts of the pond on warm days where wading in the water is always a welcome activity.

Harriet and M15 challenged E17 and E18 by mixing up food deliveries. Prey gets dropped somewhere other than the nest to prompt them to “hunt” for their own meals. They have been observed eating on tree branches and flying off with their catch. E18 has become a fierce competitor vying for the food. E18 found a squirrel that Dad may have left for them to discover. E18 then flew to the nest with the prey and E17 chasing right behind. Their intense rumbles for possession of the catch are good practice for future encounters to secure a meal. 

E17 and E18 are nearing the time when they will be off to follow their paths. They have amassed a wealth of lessons and knowledge over the months. They have been guided and enlightened by amazing Eagle Parents. Dad provides most of their food needs at this point. Mom and Dad continue to watch over E17 and E18 through the day and overnight. Harriet was treated to a special Mother’s Day serenade by her cherished E17 and E18 on the attic branch. She studied them and their changing vocals before flying off. She may sense that their time together lessens. Mom and Dad can rest well knowing they raised skilled and masterful Juvenile Eagles capable of survival in the wild.

Nest Notes by dadsjazz

Weekly Video Highlights

Ground Video by wskrsnwings

Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)

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