E17 and E18 are readying for Eagle life as they wander and discover the territory and beyond. They spend many afternoons away from the nest tree. In a flash, they show up to fight over a meal delivery. They perch together at times and seem to want their own space at other times. Their frolicking on the pond bank became a scuffle to warn the other away. They soared the skies in unison one minute then practiced aerial battle the next. These two strong Juvenile Eagles are coming into their independence as they near the time to start their individual journeys.
Harriet and M15 will provide for E17 and E18 as long as they stay in the territory. Dad is usually responsible for their food needs and has been an exceptional hunter. Mom also brought several prey items over the week. E18 has become forceful and fearless in claiming a meal. Both Juveniles are quick to grab and fly off with prey to keep and eat. Finding food sources will be crucial as they perfect the art of stealing while they learn to hunt.
Harriet and M15 perch in nearby places through the days and nights while keeping the area secure. E17 and E18 are very capable of fending for themselves, but Mom paid an overnight visit to the nest tree and vocalized a warning to a possible intruder. Harriet and M15 move another step closer to realizing their goal of rearing flourishing and courageous young raptors. E17 and E18 will carry along their heightened abilities to thrive as they prepare for life in the wild. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Photo courtesy of wskwsnwings
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
Life Lessons: Rock‘Em-Sock‘Em In The Air-Nest-West Pasture 05-11-21 https://youtu.be/46EitSX9XWY
The E’s Together Yet Apart – Flights To Each Other Curious & Intrusive 05-13-21 https://youtu.be/P3PgTuTW46E
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ E18 Flies Into Nest With A Squirrel! Blocks E17 & Swallows Pelt! 5.10.21 https://youtu.be/Su93KtjNUeQ
SWFL Eagles ~ Both E’s Hanging Out At The Pond w/ Horses! E17 Takes A Bath As E18 Watches 💕😊 5.10.21 https://youtu.be/b78ueqjq88c
SWFL Eagles ~ Fish Battle! E18 Grabs It & Flies Off Nest! Loses It To E17 But Steals It Back 5.11.21 https://youtu.be/IQ6a9iU0ryc
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings Prey To The Pond & E18 Gets It! 😊 E17 Walks To The Water! 5.12.21 https://youtu.be/qtgZH-N2ke4
SWFL Eagles ~The Adorable E’s! E17 Puts A Stick On E18’s Back 😊 Sibling Cuteness On The Nest 5.12.21 https://youtu.be/Y62XZN6O37w
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Drags E17 Off The Nest With Him! E17 Finally Lets Go Of Dad’s Foot! SLOMO! 5.12.21 https://youtu.be/5wiO3_gb8-U
SWFL Eagles ~E’s Fly In Like Missiles To Claim Red Meat & Squirrel! 17 Knocks 18 Out Of Nest 5.14.21 https://youtu.be/7reqLgAzoyg
SWFL Eagles ~ E17 & E18 ~ It Is The Best Of Times! Siblings Spending The Day Together! 💕 5.14.21 https://youtu.be/11mod-57BJM
SWFL Eagles ~ Daddy Dash Delivers 2 Squirrels! Both E’s Mob Him & Each Get A Squirrel! 😊 5.16.21 https://youtu.be/q-JvQEHqaiQ
SWFL Eagles ~ E17 & E18 Playing At The Pond Together! Sleeping Side By Side Tonight! 5.16.21 https://youtu.be/Ci1dM3PD8gA