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SWFEC Nest Notes: Fitting the Pieces Together

Harriet and M15 continue to contribute all the necessary components for their masterpiece. Each delivered huge branches, fresh pine sprigs, sticks, and grasses. Construction of this nest began in the fall of 2016 after the previous nest collapsed. Each year the nest gets a renovation from the wear and tear of rambunctious Eaglets and the elements. The nest also sustains an environment for the Starlings who steal materials to build their nests below it.

Harriet and M15 started serious nest construction in a snag in the West pasture last season. Eagles are compulsive nest builders and many times have a secondary nest site. Harriet seemed determined to call Nest 2 home, but she eventually chose the original nest. They visit Nest 2 from time to time, add a stick or two, and perch. M15 delivered a squirrel to Nest 2 for Harriet. Now they spend more time in the original nest tree through the day and roost there overnight. They have begun to bring more food in, which could mean they have decided on using their original nest.

Harriet and M15 fit together as an exceptional Eagle pair. Harriet sounded the alert, M15 responded, flying in to chase a visiting Sub-Adult Eagle from the nest tree. They engage their incredible instincts and skills as they work in unison toward their commitment to bring new life into the world. Nest Notes by dadsjazz

Weekly Video Highlights

Ground video by wskrsnwings

Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)

Header photo courtesy of SWFEC

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