Harriet and M15’s work progresses and seems never finished. They search for the perfect materials to add to the nest and have “discussions” about placing them. At times, Harriet looks like she wants some alone time in the nest to add her touches, but M15 is always eager to help and jumps right in. She gives him one of her looks, hops to the attic branch, and lets him have his way. There is always another time to get the sticks and grass to her liking. Harriet is not shy about making her point regarding nest building, food deliveries, mating, or raising their young. In Eagle life, the female is the partner who keeps everything just right with the help of her mate.
Harriet and M15 are on track to welcome their new family. Their behaviors are becoming focused on spending more time in the nest tree and keeping the area secure. Harriet and M15 keep their eyes on the skies while many Eagles and birds are on the move. A beautiful Sub-Adult Eagle visited the pasture, buzzing by the nest tree and landing on a snag nearby. Harriet voiced her objections while M15 escorted the visitor off. Harriet warns away any others who get too close to the nest.
Harriet and M15 remain dedicated to their objective. They expend much energy in the process. M15 has delivered nutritious meals for Harriet, as well as keeping himself well-fed. Squirrels seem to have been on the menu most days. M15 added fish, an egret, and a few unidentified food items (UFOs) to the mix. Harriet and M15 remain a well-tuned pair as they proceed along their path to a prosperous Season. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
A Two Stick Day, Mating & Watchfulness 11-02-21 https://youtu.be/NKLvcKuJWUw
Action Packed!! Sticks, Grasses, Breakfast & Mating 11-04-21 https://youtu.be/zs5hxlpSGLU
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ Gorgeous Young Eagle Visitor Tries To Land In Nest Tree! 😊 Eyes Harriet’s Fish 11.2.21 https://youtu.be/DaoViNjq0g0
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Exercises Her Dominance! Mating & M Brings In Big Sticks & A Squirrel! 11.3.21 https://youtu.be/ZOtts0zjVwM
- SWFL Eagles ~ AMAZING Closeups Of Handsome M15 On The Attic & Soaring The Skies! 💕 💞 💕11.3.21 https://youtu.be/4kTMiXtOQPE
SWFL Eagles ~ M Delivers Opossum For Harriet! M Gets The Tail & Almost Chokes On It! 11.4.21 https://youtu.be/u2_zpep59Qk
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Takes Great Care Of Harriet! Brings Her A Cattle Egret & A Palm Frond! 🐦🌴 11.5.21 https://youtu.be/epxL90N75ec
SWFL Eagle ~Harriet Flies To Bayshore Rd Median & Grabs A RK Squirrel! M Brings A Huge Stick 11.7.21 https://youtu.be/wWf_92orGRw
Header photo by wskrsnwings