E19 and E20 are turning ten weeks old and are breezing through many milestones along their journey. Their magnificent wings catch the wind lifting them higher and higher with more control and courage. E19 winged up to the veranda branch just off the nest for the first time. E20 wanted to join in all the activities and fly hopped to the branch two days later. E19 and E20 moved on and off the veranda branch, with sights set on reaching higher places.
E19 and E20 perched on the veranda branch and soaked in the views from new perspectives. They felt the space and freedom to extend and flap their wings without limits. They stepped back to the nest with caution, winged around the nest, and seemed to rejoice in their new accomplishment. Mom and Dad guide and encourage E19 and E20 in practicing instinctual behaviors and sharpening learned skills.
E19 and E20 are more capable of securing food deliveries and feeding themselves. E20 grabbed, mantled, and ate a whole live fish brought to the nest. E19 sometimes stays back and waits to get fed from Mom or Dad. Mom was teaching them when she landed in the nest with a fish and proceeded to eat. E19 and E20 watched with surprise when she did not attempt to feed them. Her message may have been to steal and quickly eat the food before someone else does. It is now time for E19 and E20 to be assertive and aggressive at meal time regardless of who has the food. Their survival depends on it. The lessons become more challenging as E19 and E20 progress. Harriet and M15 will no doubt assure these young raptors will thrive in the wild and excel in the ways of Eagle life. Nest Notes by dadsjazz.

Photo by Anja Edleman (captured from SWFEC camera)
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
Stunning 9 Week Old E19 & E20 & Harriet Brings Home The Big Fish 03.01.22 https://youtu.be/HLTgNOOjvlE
E19 Is First To Branch – Looking So Confident On Veranda 03.04.22 https://youtu.be/7s-pmJn4i9g
Team Harriet & M15 Secure Area – Flushed Sub Adult From West Pasture Trees 03.04.22 https://youtu.be/Zn5Q5kcpFoA
The E’s Winging In The Wind, Hopscotch & A Trip To The Veranda 03.06.22 https://youtu.be/eDzt2UybpQk
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ E19 Uses E20 As A Trampoline Flapping & Hopping Across Nest! E20 Gets Even! 😊 2.28.22 https://youtu.be/sJs5y1o6pnY
SWFL Eagles ~Harriet Finds A HUGE Armored Catfish At The Pond! Brings To Nest & Feeds Her E’s 3.1.22 https://youtu.be/GFmCC4RY9pI
SWFL Eagles ~ E20 Grabs M15’s Fish & Protects From E19! Eats For 40 minutes Then Gives To E19 3.2.22 https://youtu.be/RlWYTMG8FJs
SWFL Eagles ~ Stop Preening Me Mom!! E20 Just Wants To Eat Its Fish! 😊🐟 3.2.22 https://youtu.be/YFn46LSalHk
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Defends Territory & Chases Sub Adult Away! Talons Up Mid Air! 3.3.22 https://youtu.be/73wJUUkTLb8
SWFL Eagles ~ E19 Steps All Over E20 & Stands On Its Back!! 😊 💕 Flapping Around The Nest! 3.3.22 https://youtu.be/1BUESi3kWPA
SWFL Eagles ~ E19 BRANCHES To Veranda First Time! 😊 Perfect Dismount & Celebratory Flapping! 3.4.22 https://youtu.be/-9L96Ta_FRs
SWFL ~ M Brings In A Duck For Dinner 🐦 Harriet Feeds The E’s & Pulls A Long Piece Out Of M’s Throat! https://youtu.be/m2oo_TmZqm4
SWFL Eagles ~ E20 BRANCHES TO VERANDA FIRST TIME! 😊 Celebratory Wing Dance & Flap Afterwards 3.6.22 https://youtu.be/_pe3SIO-tsM
SWFL Eagles ~ Put Your Head On My Shoulder 😊💕 E20 Rests On E19 💕 Beautiful Moment Best Buds! 3.6.22 https://youtu.be/rM5v7xjfFA4
Header photo by wskrsnwings