E19 and E20 elevated their skills to new levels in these two weeks since their initial flight from the nest tree. They take to the skies with ease and soar with confidence and control. They show their agility and ability to recover even from a missed branch in foggy morning conditions. They perch together, engage in mock battles at the pond, chase each other, and practice defending their territory. E19 ad E20 are surpassing milestones at a record-setting pace and are gathering Eagle life lessons for the journey forward.
E19 and E20 laser focus on finding food sources which will be the most important asset they will possess. Before now, there has been an abundance of food provided. Meals now grow scarce, and E19 and E20 are experiencing the reality of life in the wild where there are no guarantees. M15 began to take prey to areas in the pasture and near the pond to give E19 and E20 “hunting” lessons. Hunger motivates E19 and E20 to watch for opportunities to get a meal and vie for possession. They are becoming masterful at keeping and flying off with their catch to a tree branch or another location to eat. Harriet reminds them to devour their prey quickly or lose it to another. E19 ad E20’s fierceness at mealtime will serve them well.
Harriet and M15 are wise and experienced Eagle parents who can rest assured, knowing they are fulfilling their goal. E19 and E20 are bright, well-rounded, and armed with invaluable knowledge. Mom and Dad roosted in the nest tree a few nights with their savvy Juveniles. They may sense these days grow fewer as E19 and E20 will soon heed the call of adventure to wander off to live their best Eagle lives. Nest Notes by dadsjazz.
Header photo by wskrsnwings courtesy of SWFEC
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
Morning Flights In The Fog: E19 Misses Landing – Hangs Upside Down 03.29.22 https://youtu.be/w4ottTZ1gRg
First Food Delivery To The Ground: E20 Claims, Keeps & Eats It On The Fence 03.29.22 https://youtu.be/Y7BJL4oZTQA
Fancy Flights & Maneuvers – Searching For Treasure & Food Too 04.01.22 https://youtu.be/Bb7Re59Si4U
Cams Still Offline (on again 1:40pm) So The E’s Take Flight Then Sit Tight 04.04.22 https://youtu.be/7F_S5v_p2MU
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ Morning Flights & Playing At The Pond For Both E’s! 💕😊 E19’s Heraldic Pose! 3.28.22 https://youtu.be/dMd8LQ7Xibg
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings WHOPPER Fish! 🐟 ENTIRE FAMILY On Nest! 💕 E20 Has A Massive Crop! 3.28.22 https://youtu.be/n4Wa0QHXzss
SWFL Eagles ~ 1st Food Delivery To Ground! E20 Claims & Flies Off With It! Foggy Morning 3.29.22 https://youtu.be/qNhxZz7ajhU
SWFL Eagles ~ DYNAMIC DUO Beautiful Moments! 💕 E19 & E20 Perched Together At Pond! 3.30.22 https://youtu.be/VjczLJ32BhQ
SWFL Eagles ~ Soaring & Ground Adventures for E’s 😊 E19 Perches On Pond Pylon & Chases E20! 3.30.22 https://youtu.be/stgbIO-Qlzg
SWFL EAGLES ~ E19 TRIES TO CATCH A FISH!! 🐟 GREAT First Attempt! 3.31.22 https://youtu.be/R75VG8Q244o
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings In a Baby Opossum! 😲 E20 Claims It! DISCLAIMER! 3.31.22 https://youtu.be/vuQGTEqYYa4
SWFL Eagles ~ E19 & E20 LOVE Their Perching Pond Stick! 💕 BEST BUDS Hanging Out Together! 3.31.22 https://youtu.be/EaEhTv2yyQA
SWFL Eagles ~ URGENT NEWS ~ FISHING LINE & HOOK Caught On E20’s Foot! Monitoring Situation 4.1.22 https://youtu.be/BgtiW94BnZY
SWFL Eagles ~ E20 Is FREE Of Fishing Line/Hook This Morning! 😊 💕 4.2.22 https://youtu.be/Sgs2lvhmSBQ
SWFL Eagles ~ First DUAL Bath For E19 & E20!! 🛀 PLAY TIME! Bottom Dipping & Sipping! 4.1.22 https://youtu.be/Mn8zxVm17n0
SWFL Eagles ~ More Pond Fun! 😊 Bottom Dipping, Stick Pulling, Chasing & Poking One Another 4.1.21 https://youtu.be/EaEhTv2yyQA
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings Prey To Ground! Both E’s Fly Over To Claim It! 😊 4.2.22 https://youtu.be/Hrf_DcraYsU
SWFL Eagles ~ Beautiful Sub Adult Visits The Outer Attic! Both E’s Vocal & Alert On Nest! 4.2.22 https://youtu.be/U4U-Qlp-u-A
SWFL Eagles ~ Shades Of Harriet 😊 E19 FOOTS & PREENS E20 While Bathing! Playing At The Pond 4.4.22 https://youtu.be/_Q-njl5ZxU8