E21 and E22 are turning 12 weeks old and are just about full-grown. When Dad delivers food to the nest, they appear equal to or even larger than him. E21 and E22 are stunning young Eagles on the verge of following the path of those who came before them. They are thriving despite the challenges faced since Harriet’s mysterious absence. Dad has excelled as a solo parent, and Mom has imparted her resilience and invincibility to these beauties.
E21 and E22 have surpassed many milestones throughout their time in the nest. Their curiosity and intelligence allow awareness of all that goes on in their world. E21 and E22 have learned well from many trials experienced since they were merely four weeks old. They learned to lay low when intruders tried to steal their food. They defended their nest and food, even chasing Dad out of the nest. E21 and E22 are formidable forces for all to deal with.
Harriet and M15 have passed on exceptional genes to E21 and E22. Mom and Dad have left a remarkable legacy of success in raising amazing Eaglets over their years together. Magnificent M15 will ensure that E21 and E22 continue to hone their skills over the next few months. E21 and E22’s next big feat is the leap from the safety of the nest tree to freedom of flight. E21 and E22 will prosper in their journeys and become valiant Eagles. by Dadsjazz
Photos by Anja Edelman from SWFEC cam and SWFEC

Ground Video by wskrsnwings
Waitin’ On Dad! Magnificent Wingercising: E21 On Spike Top & E22 On Rails/Nest 03.22.23 https://youtu.be/XPa-d1brDzE
Ground Video by Androcat
SWFL Eagle Cam 3-24-23. E22 claims Dad’s delivery; E21 wing flaps on the spike. https://youtu.be/9CppBb-tZXU
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~Harriet’s Adorable E’s She Would Be SO Proud! E22 Winging Up & Down The Spike 3.26.23 https://youtu.be/M0KfAq9N14U