M15 excels in his skills and instincts as an outstanding male Eagle. He has diligently been preparing for this nesting season with his new interest, F23. They maneuver through their journey to becoming a bonded pair and raising a family together. M15 has proven to be remarkable in all aspects of his life. He makes it look easy as he provides for and protects his family. He defends them and the territory from all threats. F23 appears to be a newly mature female Eagle taking her time adjusting as a mate to M15.
M15 and F23 engage in many noted behaviors that build their bond. F23 may be holding onto some of the skills she needed for survival over the years. M15 presents food to F23 as a gift, but she wants to “steal” it from him. His look of confusion is priceless when she mantles and flies off with the food gift. M15 patiently works to gain her trust.
M15 and F23 usually fly off from the nest tree at dusk. They have returned occasionally to the nest to defend it from an intrusive owl pair. F23 was struck by the owl a few times, which may have made her feel safer in her far-off roosting place. M15 spends the night hours in the nest, protecting his territory as best he can from the owls. F23 is beginning to stay close to the nest tree throughout the days. She adds grass, checks the nest bole, and seems to be readying it for eggs. The direction points to a more confident F23 with a stronger connection to M15. Hope abounds for a future family for M15 and F23. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
M15 – Male Eagle Beyond Compare 11.14.23 https://youtu.be/zeNeYnMrF0Q
Video by Androcat (Ground Video and Video captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFEC 11-12-23. A Stronger Bond After Defending Their Nest Together; Close Views of M15 & F23. https://youtu.be/fm6BHrGogV8
SWFEC 11-14-23. Warrior Dad M15 Defends His Nest Against the Great Horned Owls. https://youtu.be/thDsCr5aK8Q
SWFEC 11-14-23. F23 Bringsπ to the nest tree! 1ST Prey She Brought to the Nest Tree 11-12 Included! https://youtu.be/gq0LkZaQSic
SWFEC 11-16-23. M15 delivers three fish gifts for F23; She takes two of her fish to go! https://youtu.be/EbJsJ5o1Fvs
SWFEC 11-16-23. The Great Horned Owl pair visit the nest tree; both check out the nest. (21:13) https://youtu.be/p-6QEp6hmq4
SWFEC 11-17-23. Male GHOW brings food gift; female in the nest tree, does not take the food gift. https://youtu.be/cs7P7IIq1zg
SWFEC 11-17-23. M15’s left eye; views throughout the day; quick look on 11-18-23, Saturday AM. https://youtu.be/p-Gc2GL7h9g
SWFEC 11-17-23. GHOW male brings prey/food gift for 2nd time; Female does not take it. (2324 PM) https://youtu.be/ODcwNjMDeQw
SWFEC 11-17-23. GHOW Male Brings Prey a 3RD Time! Female Accepts the Prey, Eats in the Nest Tree. https://youtu.be/3NUdxIT7x6g
SWFEC 11-18-23. M15 & F23 Arrive at Their Nest @ 3AM, 15 Minutes After the Owls Leave.(Saturday AM) https://youtu.be/w5ctBc68NLM
SWFEC 11-19-23. Owl strikes F23 at 0126, knocks her off the attic branch. F23 appears to be OK. https://youtu.be/znmIjelAOrw
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ Both Hooties Are Back At The Nest While M15 & F23 Roost Elsewhere! 11.13.23 https://youtu.be/skjK9TrBClg
SWFL Eagles ~F23 Almost Uses Her Foot On M15 π Shades Of Harriet! Nipping! F23 Lies In nest 11.13.23 https://youtu.be/CawkXAtWFho
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Defends His Nest From GHO Strike! Stands Guard All Night Sleeping On Nest 11.14.23 https://youtu.be/RJU0l2td-sM
SWFL Eagles ~ F23 Brings Her OWN TWO Fish 1ST TIME π Eats On Nest & Attic! Sunrise Closeups 11.14.23 https://youtu.be/O8cSw81uFsM
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Protects Nest ALL Night Long! F23 w/ Rabbit Leg! Drops Piece, M Retrieves 11.15.23 https://youtu.be/pV_8l9c9NYc
SWFL Eagles Mighty M15 Sleeps On Nest 3rd Night In A Row! Successfully Protecting From Owls 11.16.23 https://youtu.be/A9iuSX3MHLw
SWFL Eagles ~ While The Eagles Are Away The Owls Will Play! Both GHO’s Visit The Nest! 11.16.23 https://youtu.be/2Pz3an_l3J0
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Adds Colorful Autumn Decor For Nest! πππ Look At His Proud Cute Face! 11.16.23 https://youtu.be/kI3R7tnmb04
SWFL Eagles ~ M15’s Left Eye Irritation! Nest Work & Discussions! A Fish Gift For F23 π 11.17.23 https://youtu.be/14ju_6BNr6U
SWFL Eagles ~ F23 TEASES Us π Stands & Lies In Nest Looking Eggie! M & F Fly Off For Night 11.17.23 https://youtu.be/5CK5Na_yB_I
SWFL Eagles ~ Male GHO Brings Prey Twice To Nest! Covers w/ Palm Frond & Retrieves It Later 11.17.23 https://youtu.be/jkCi-f53C4s
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 & F23 Come To Nest After Owls Leave! Guarding For The Rest Of The Night 11.18.23 https://youtu.be/v4iYCOt30CE
SWFL Eagles ~ Owl Strikes F23 TWICE Knocking Her Off Attic! M15 & F23 Both Defend The Nest 11.19.23 https://youtu.be/2TDJ2AL4C1c